Recurrence after 14 years??

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    cdee,  First congrats on 14 years past resection, secondly, do you have any other G.I. conditions such as PSC  ?  This could create symptoms you describe, also, scar tissue can build up where the bile duct was sewn back together causing bilary restriction . Blood tests and imaging are in order. I am surprised they would order an MRCP and not an MRI, which is much less risky and more detailed. If what you describe is pancreatitis and they try to stick a probe into your bile duct it could be a disaster. Every time someone goes though your intestine to the bile duct they risk infecting the common bile duct with intestinal bacteria. I am not a doctor or a nurse, yet I have read many posts and I have seen what goes wrong. A bile duct restriction this long after surgery is unlikely to be a recurrence, my oncologist told me the medical records show the longest time on record between resection and recurrence is 7 years , after that it is the formation of a new cancer . So do not let panic speed you to a possibly harmful procedure. You are a miracle, do not let the system screw things up for you. Go to a center that is known for expertise in this rare cancer. Be your own advocate and I wish you the best, Pat



    Hi cdee123,

    For cancer survivors, there is always a worry the cancer will come back.

    An MRCP looks for a whole range of conditions, some of which can involve nausea, so there is no way of knowing if your cancer has recurred until doctors can have a good look through testing.  Hopefully not!   It is excruciating to wait for test results, but fingers crossed you will get good news.  If your cholangiocarcinoma has recurred, please keep in mind that there are more and better treatments available now than when you faced this cancer before.

    I hope you find answers quickly, and can find treatment that ends the chronic nausea.  Please let us know how the testing goes— our community will be thinking of you and wishing you a positive outcome.

    Regards, Mary



    I had cholangiocarcinoma 14 years ago. I am having persistent nausea for a month, then it stopped, and came back for a week and now gone again. Am having an MRCP. Would this be common for a recurrence?

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