Viewpoint Thailand CC AMMF Liver Flukes

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    This study may be of interest to you as well:
    CCF Grant Recipient Surbpong Tanasanvimon reports on Research Progress:


    And then there are the midwesterners…like I am….who don’t eat fish at all. Sigh.

    I found it interesting that on a large study from Thailand, it indicated that while river flukes were indeed a part of the cause of more CC in Thailand, that it was to a smaller degree than expected. The study was trying to explain the “rest” of the cases and that’s when they discovered a link to the bacteria, H. Pylori, which is what I’m interested in as a possible cause of my ICC.

    My husband’s GP also mentioned that hepatitis was more common in countries like Thailand also, and that, we know, is a risk factor as well.

    The river fluke parasites are one part of the equation, but they aren’t the whole story. There’s so much that isn’t known, yet.

    Julie T.


    Thanks, Gavin, very interesting. And who is to say this parasite has not reached other Countries. I still find it a little unsettling that most of our members here in the USA are from the Coasts. I have given up fish and especially when I see it is coming from Asian Countries, just can’t bring myself to eat it.


    Professor Paiboon Sithithaworn from the Faculty of Medicine at Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

    Specialist Viewpoint – or cholangiocarcinoma as they see it.

    Professor Paiboon Sithithaworn
    Department of Parasitology and the
    Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Center
    Faculty of Medicine
    Khon Kaen University

    Thanks to Helen and AMMF for this.

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