I am feeling better and better about the change in oncologists. Last night, I had a mixup of phone numbers when I went to return a call (didn’t know who had called me..just had the caller ID number). I didn’t recognize the lady who answered, but I explained I couldn’t get to the phone in time because I was resting from having chemo. We continued to talk (go figure…Julie talking?) and she mentioned the chemo…told me that she was in Mayo with her husband (leukemia that returned after a transplant) and then I told her “I” had just been there for surgery. It turns out that we are both from the same town…have NO idea who each other is ….but we kept talking…for OVER TWO HOURS. In the course of the conversation, she mentioned my first local oncologist and she wasn’t sparing what she thought of him. I won’t go into more detail here, but it was plenty to stop me from second guessing myself about firing the guy.
Julie T.