
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introduction

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  • #82625
    Lainy wrote:
    Dear Heather, welcome to the best place to be for support for CC. You are so right, none of us really know what is to happen and with that we have HOPE. We have had quite a few DX like your Dad and they have had some success by getting other opinions and having a great team of Doctors who have had lots of experience with CC. We know it is the most painful thing ever to hear this DX but I can tell you that when the treatment begins the fright turns to fight. Please keep us update on your Dad as we truly care and you are not alone in this Journey.

    Thank you Lainy!


    Dear Heather, welcome to the best place to be for support for CC. You are so right, none of us really know what is to happen and with that we have HOPE. We have had quite a few DX like your Dad and they have had some success by getting other opinions and having a great team of Doctors who have had lots of experience with CC. We know it is the most painful thing ever to hear this DX but I can tell you that when the treatment begins the fright turns to fight. Please keep us update on your Dad as we truly care and you are not alone in this Journey.


    Good morning! My family and I recently learned that my Dad has ICC and I am learning a great deal from your discussion forum. Thank you for being willing to share your experience here. We have been told that Dad does not have resectable cancer. We are saddened by the grim diagnosis but have great faith that God is with us and that only He knows the timeline for our lives. Dad will have stents put in this week and hopefully start chemo next week. Thanks again for sharing. God Bless You,

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