Biliary tract cancer

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  • #100816

    Hi Cheryl,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    Some of the articles Gavin posts are from medical journals, and only the abstract is made available to the general public.  Here are some ideas of how to gain access to the full article.

    1.  The journal may let you buy a viewing access to the article.  Some journals charge a lot, but others may just charge a few dollars.

    2.  You can internet-search the title and see if the full text is posted somewhere.

    3.  I found my employer had a library subscription that included some medical journals, so could see some articles at work.

    4.  If you look at the posted abstract, sometimes other pieces of the article may be viewable, such as the charts and tables.

    5.  If you think the abstract is pointing to a specific treatment option for you, bring the citation and abstract with you to your next appointment.  Your doctors have access to medical journals.

    Also, please note that the first author listed, Prof. Juan Valle, will be a speaker at the upcoming Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Annual Conference, along with many other leading specialists.  Because of covid, the conference will again be offered remotely so patients and caregivers can join from home.  I encourage everyone to register for the conference.  It is a great opportunity to meet others in our community and get the state-of-the-art information that can help you manage your care.

    Here is the Conference link.

    Take care, regards, Mary



    I am not able to pull up full article. Any ideas. Thanks

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