But how do you feel?

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    Hi Barb – my dad just came from the Dr. and he’s decided to change his combo from Cisplatin/Irinotecan to Gemzar/Irinotecan. We all believe the cisplatin was literally wasting him away. He went from ~ 159 lbs to 133 (he’s about 5′8) since he started taking it and it was remarkable how much better he felt when he was off. Sadly to say it was probably the most effective treatment he’s had to date but it was so aggressive he chose much like you, quality over quantity.

    This is his second try with Gemzar that actually worked OK for a while and maintained him quite stable. We are hoping things can work again in combination with Gemzar.

    Anyway, best of luck and I hope you feel better.

    Take care and best of luck to everyone!




    I hope for you to make lovely memories with you and your son. Cancer always seems to bring forth difficult decisions. My mom has CC and I had cancer myself that was pretty bad so I know what it is like to make difficult decisions concerning treatment. I actually chose to discontinue treatment at one point.
    Like I said, my mom has CC and has already had surgery, chemo, and radiation. Unfortunatley it came back a few months ago. With her CA 19-9 over 5,000. She is now taking Sorafrenib(Nexavar) it is a chemo pill. I believe it is used in advanced renal cancer as well as pancreatic cancer. The only side effects she gets from it are diarrhea once or twice a day. She says it is tolerable though. The doctor said that he does not expect it to prolong her life only to make her feel more comfortable. She has a CT next week and depending on the results she will continue taking it.



    As I posted before, I have elected NOT to continue with the Tarceva (still staying with the Gemzar though) because I felt like I had the flu every single day with no end in sight. As I have said, I would rather have 6 months of wonderful, or even normal, than 8 months of misery. But this leads me to another question. For those of you who are getting other treatments, with or without Gemzar, how do you feel, how are you functioning? this is important to me as I research other avenues of treatment. I can take feeling pretty awful if I know that there is some respite, some relief in sight. What I can’t take is feeling awful all the time such as with the Tarceva. If I can’t be a mother to my son and can only lay around the house puking or miserable ALL the time, what is the point. I want to make memories for my son and me, not nightmares. So, how do you all feel?


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