Update on my husband and questions

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    Hi Heather and thanks for helping MYMOMMYLIFE. As you already know CC is the worst when it comes to roller coaster rides but I am so glad to hear that hubby is finally on an upward trend. This cancer is not for the faint of heart!!! Not sure about the chemo after radiation. I know Teddy had cyber knife after radiation. So good to see you and so glad things look better.


    Hey there it has been since March I posted anything.

    First off I am thrilled we are still here, Gordon has been fighting for 18months!! It hasn’t been easy though. He successfully finished IMRT treatment on March 5th, omg the side effect were horrible, he ended up in the hospital. He had an infection in his liver, they were able to basically suck out the infection and his fever finally went away in May!! yes May!!!

    We just went to MDA and he had his three month visit and his tumor markers are dramatically down and still trending down, no cancer anywhere else accept this tumor.

    So has anyone ever heard about possibly doing a liver resection after radiation?? The reason I ask t his is because the tumor is dead but it is just sitting there, still blocking his bile ducts, which he has a drain. He still has portal hypertension and still has ascities but tha ascities is improving. Anyone dealing with this, know anyone dealing with this? I really thought I would lose him within 6 months, well for one thing that is what we were told but things are lookin up the tell his liver is doing good but it is confusing when they say that and then he still has all these issues. feedback appreciated.

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