Durvalumab plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Durvalumab plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer

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    Hi John,

    Glad to be of help in any way that I can be. And good to hear that you got the printing done. If I see anything else that I think is relevant I will of course post it here on the boards.

    Great too that you were able to catch much of the conference online and that is a great option for so many people who are not able to attend in person. And yes, we do get a lot of experts in all of the fields relating to CC attending, chairing and presenting each year too. The conference like the Foundation has grown each year since it started and just seems to keep getting bigger with more done each year which is great.

    And you are so right too that in the nearly 20 years since Stacie started the Foundation there have been a ton of people involved in it’s development, running and growing etc along the way!

    Keep in touch John and let us know how things go and know as well that we are all here for you.

    My best to you,




    Thanks for the references and your support.  I have Dr. Oh’s but not others.  Have printed out all.  I watched much of the conference on line; did not attend in person.  It’s terrific that the Foundation gets what seems to me top notch brilliant, talented, dedicated experts to preside and/or present at the conference.  It is a Godsend for all we patients and the caregivers also.  Things like those don’t happen by luck; there has to have been many persons with the Foundation working for at least a few years to bring it to this point.  Thanks to all.



    Hi John,

    Welcome to the boards. Sorry that you had to join us here but glad that you have found us all none the less and I am really glad to hear you say that your treatment has been very effective and that you are feeling good. I will keep my fingers crossed for you for further great success with this and any treatments you do of course.

    I did a search on the forum for you for pieces relating to Topaz-1 and came up with this –


    There should be quite a few pieces of past research etc in there that hopefully will be of use and interest to you. Don’t know if you have already seen them or did a search but thought I’d do one anyway in case you hadn’t.

    None of us can give any specific medical advice to do this or that etc as we are not doctors or onc’s. But what I would say is to read as much as you can about the studies or pieces here on the site and print any of them out if you can. Then you can take them with you to show your onc and see what they think about it and they will be best placed to discuss with you what path to follow with your treatments going forward.

    That’s great that you were at the conference and I hope you were able to get a lot out of being there as well. Is great to meet you John and please let us know how things go with your treatments and what you and your onc decide to do going forward. Please know too that we are all here for you and I hope that you will keep coming back here as well.

    My best to you,



    Hi Gavin,

    I became aware of this study from watching the presentation on it at the annual conference – I admit I only watched part of it as I could not understand the many technical/medical matters.  I am interested in Durvalumab combined with Gemcitabine and Cisplatin.  I have been doing chemo with the latter 2 for stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma for 9 months.  It has been very effective.   the tumors are greatly reduced  and my tumor marker numbers have come down greatly.  I feel good and I have minimal side effects from the treatment.  I noted in the study that after a number of treatment cycles, the chemo was stopped and only the Durvalumab was continued.  My oncologist and I have discussed the trial and possibly using Durvlumab.  My understanding is the 2 chemo drugs were stopped because their purpose is to reduce the cancer, and the Durvalumab is to maintain the cancer at the level reached by the chemo.  These terms and the explanation are mine based on my recollection of the conversation with my oncologist.  I am interested in resources to learn about this and information to help me and my oncologist decide whether to try the chemo/durvalumab combination and how long to treat with all 3 and then stop the chemo.

    This is my first day on the discussion board.  I am sure glad there is this resource and the Foundation and its website.



    Durvalumab plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer


    Thanks to the Massachusetts Medical Society for this piece.


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