Caregivers Bill of Rights

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  • #83206

    Thanks for posting this Marion, I have never read it before. Caregivers are saints!!


    Thanks for posting that Marion, not read that for some time and all of it so relevant and very, very important too. And too right Kris, carers definitely need to take care of themselves as well. I ended up in he hospital too with a stomach ulcer for 3 days and I put some of that down to stress. You are doing a great job with Mark in all of this!

    Hugs to you both,



    Thank you Marion. And I still say I could not have done it without you all cheerleading me on when I needed it. Thanks again.



    Kris…you have been doing at all. Working at an outside job, a son treated for thyroid cancer, and the intense attention given to Mark. They are very lucky to have you.
    We are lucky as well, dear Kris. Not only are you an active moderator on this site and share your nursing advice, additionally you are working behind the scene on a much awaited nursing portal specifically geared to our cancer.
    We can’t thank you enough.


    Love it Marion. We get so overwhelmed trying to do it all that we end up getting sick ourselves (hence my four days in the hospital last September). Caregivers need to remember to take care of themselves. I advocate that for my patients’ caregivers all the time. And now I have to push to get Mark to do things. He is feeling better but he is so used to me waiting on him. My mantra now is “You can do it yourself.”



    Ever so often we need to recognize the importance of a caregiver. The below Bill of Rights has been around for many years and addresses caregiving from a different angle.

    “I have the right to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the ability to take better care of my loved one.

    I have the right to seek help from others even though my loved one may object. I know the limits of my own endurance and strength.

    I have the right to maintain parts of my own life that do not include the person I care for, just as I would if he/she were healthy. I know that I do everything that I reasonably can do for this person. I have the right to do some things just for myself.

    I have the right to get angry, be depressed, and express difficult feelings once in a while.

    I have the right to reject any attempt by my loved one to make me do things out of guilt or anger. (It doesn’t matter if my loved one knows that she/he is doing it or not.)

    I have the right to get consideration, affection, forgiveness, and acceptance for what I do for my loved one, as I offer these in return.

    I have the right to take pride in what I’m doing. And I have the right to applaud the courage it has taken to meet the needs of my loved one.

    I have the right to protect my individuality. I also have the right to a life that will sustain me in times when my loved one no longer needs my full-time help.”

    (Author Unknown)


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