Round 4 chemo

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    You are hanging in there Julie. I knew you could do it. I knew you could do it. Glad you go to see the fireworks. We did a little show in our backyard for the grandkids…..we now have 4 with number 5 due next month. Our oldest boy and his wife are fostering three siblings and the 4th sibling will be along as soon as she is born. They are really hoping they get the chance to adopt so we will see. So now we have 6,5,3,2 and almost born.

    I am glad it sounds like they are getting the port right. I have to access Mark’s and draw blood then flush it on Monday. It seems so strange to be done with it all now and just be maintaining. You will be there soon.



    Marion, Well, we’ve tried an ice bag, and that was a big mistake….as it made the port flush feel like scalding hot water going through the cold vein. It was horrible. So, a warm cloth might be a good shot.

    Lisa, I’m using a lidocaine type cream (prescription) on the port area about 45 minutes min before they access the port. The problem has been mainly getting the needle in right…because the port was put in screwy….tilted forward and slightly sideways as well…..pretty much of a mess. After all the grief of numerous attempts to access it, (one time 5 separate punctures to get it in right) the skin puncture is the least of the issues I guess. It would always be nicer if it had less discomfort too. For now…..FIVE more accesses…and I’m done with it….it will be coming out as soon as possible after the last infusion.


    Julie……my husband’s nurse held a warm rag on the area prior to accessing the port. It appeared to make things a bit more comfortable.


    You can do it! You mentioned something about easier port access this time, please make sure you are using Emla cream on port before access, you will feel no pain. Praying for you.


    Hi Julie,

    Yes, you can do this!!! Hoping that the side effects don’t get too bad and that you can tolerate them, and of course hoping that the chemo does it’s job for you as well! Glad you were able to see the fireworks and I would say that when you are tired you should get some sleep! Hope you feel good in the morning when you wake up.




    Julie….yes, you can do it, the end rounds are in sight. Sending tons of good wishes and warm thoughts your way.


    Julie, glad you got to see the Fireworks. I am watching Frankie Valli now on TV PBS. You are the Little Engine that CAN and then you will say, I Knew I Could, I Knew I Could!


    So, my oncologist here told me on Wednesday before chemo that I “could” stop the chemo as of the end of this round, since Mayo wasn’t specific as to exactly how much I was to have….4-6 rounds as tolerated. I think she misunderstood ….the four is a minimum….IF I couldn’t tolerate any more, but they prefer that I do up to and including 6 rounds if possible. I just told her that I “intend” to do 6 and we’ll see what happens.

    So, here I am, starting round #4. Day one was infused this last Wednesday and I have to say that the infusion went very easy compared to all of them before….due mostly to the port access being better. But, the side effects of queasiness started earlier and are a little tougher. My ears are ringing pretty loudly. They have each time, but always quiet down in about a week. I had to use a separate nausea drug half way through the first one. That is….I took Lorazapam and then barely 3 hours later, I was getting pretty queasy again…so took a compazine. That fixed it up pretty fast and I was able to go with the family to the fire works tonight. I’m also sleeping a LOT……giving in to my body whenever it wants to sleep. I got up at 10 a.m…..and then at 2 pm. I fell asleep again until hubby woke me up at 6 pm. for supper. Now, I’m yawning again. Time for bed. I know that in another couple weeks, I’ll be done with this round’s infusions and I’ll have 5-6 good days again. I CAN do this!

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