Im Sad, sorry to have found you,

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Im Sad, sorry to have found you,

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    Sad –
    No matter his insurance situation the hospital has to treat him and at least stabilize him. I don’t know about visiting hours and that although most hospitals will allow a family member to stay in the room. Tomorrow without any hesitation ask to talk to a social worker and do NOT leave until you have spoken to one. Also enlist the help of the hospital chaplain….both of those resources should be available to help you and your girlfriend’s family.
    Also before he gets much sicker you need to have someone help with a Durable Medical Power of Attorney so that he can appoint someone to help make decisions and be his advocate. I suggest talking to the social worker about that.
    The lack of insurance should not be an issue especially in a public hospital. Most all of those have programs to assist those who cannot pay. The system I work for just has some paperwork and then it’s done. Have your girlfriend be the squeaky wheel and continue to push and ask questions until she gets answers.
    Hope things turn around for everyone.

    Hugs, KrisV


    Hello everyone and thankyou verymuch, well this nightmare continues, we brought him to the E.R Monday and he was admitted in, I.v, morphine,miralax, and sulfron were applied all at the same time on an empty stomache,tuesday he had heavy blood in his stool, all day he was going to the bathroom, today he had an encospy to see where he was bleeding from, well it turns out that the hospital (memorial herman) that put the stent in was not a success, the blood is coming from behind the stent,their operation is killing him, OMG what can we do, hes out of surgery and put in I.C.U, we were kicked out the room he was in (family practice) and showed us where his Pod will be, The visiting hours are over and told the doctors finished the endoscopy, and left for the day WTF…. he gad to beg the nurse to let us know something and she unofficially spilled that the stent was bleeding, doctors and GI unit are gone for the day Wtf…. we are going insane , INSANE…. not knowing anything he hasnt ate fore three days and they can’t stop the bleeding, OMG… this is devestating since my girlfriend has not left his site…. OMG


    Inevitably Sad,

    See the bottom of this web page for information about sources of financial assistance:

    You are a great boyfriend to be seeking out help and support for your girlfriend’s Dad!



    Hi Inevitablysad,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry to hear what your girlfriends dad is going through right now. But I am glad that you have joined us all here as you’ve come to the best place for support and help and you will get loads of both from everyone here. And please do not worry about rambling, no apologies are ever needed here so you go ahead and ramble away as much as you want to.

    It makes me angry to hear that your girlfriends dad was not seen by the onc’s due to the lack of insurance. I am from Scotland so there is not much I can offer in the way of help about this but I would follow Kris’s suggestions and links about Medicaid and coverage. Also, should situations arise that need medical help as a matter of urgency andf pain and vomiting would fall into that category then I would most definitely do what Marion says and head to the ER as they will do something to treat that there.

    Please keep coming back here as well and keep us updated on how everything goes. We will help if we can so please feel free to ask questions and we’ll do our best to help. You are not alone in this now, we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you,



    Inevitablesad…….at any time that your girlfriend’s Dad is in pain or vomiting, take him back to the Emergency. They will have to take him.
    Please keep us posted.


    Sad –
    So sorry that you and your girlfriend’s family are having to go through this. It is tough to deal with but you should know you have found a great support system.

    Not sure which hospital you were able to get into but I would head to MD Anderson. They are one of the top for this type of cancer. I am sure they have some sort of program for now insurance. Also you need to look at Texas’ Medicaid program which may be able to provide him with coverage. Here is a link to get you started:

    You should be able to click on the link and get there, if not copy and paste it to your address bar. I really hope this helps.
    It sounds like his liver is having difficulty working so he is building up fluids in his abdomen. Often times they will drain this fluid to offer some comfort as the fluid can get quite uncomfortable.



    Part 2, well sorry to ramble ill get to the point, the oncologists and his boss will talk to us tomorrow followed by the GI staff. Well to this point he has not got a fever or headache, swollen belly to the point where his rib cage can be seen sticking out, and has recently had blood in his stool and heavy every time, any advice ?


    My girlfriend’s dad is 60 but looks, feels and acts like 45 I guess I got stuck seeing him at that age.just the other day he was training his son at Boxing,Sparring,giving us his advice and sharing his moments as a professional boxer, one of Mexico’s strongest puncher ever, Now he’s fighting for his life, 1 week ago a “surgeon consultant” broke the news advanced cholangiocarcinoma. Bile duct blockage, spreading, no surgery,and the most deadly the no health insurance. They put a stent so the bilirubin will pass, patched him up and kicked us out.days later it gets worst but since no insurance the oncologists cant see him, told us to come back in 8 weeks for a “charity visit” two days later we rushed him to the emergency but at a different hospital where we were approved a gold card,seems to be out of space it gets worst……..

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