Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Thank you CATMC! I miswrote when I meant to say Princess Margaret. Ya think it is easy to grow old. Now that you helped us out, please introduce yourself and tell us something about you as we are a curious lot here and you never know when one story will help another member.


    For Canadians looking for help, Revelstoke is a small mountain town with a small community hospital. This kind of cancer needs to be looked after at a large centre with a well respected HPB department – ones that I have heard of would be Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, etc. – and unlikely to be found in small town BC/Canada (no offense to Lainy, who has long provided many informative and inspirational postings). I was basically written off by my own small town hospital upon diagnosis, fortunately had a referral from another dr. to Vancouver General Hospital and a wonderful, experienced surgeon.


    Yes, Shelly, you are right and thank you for that!


    Another might be the Princess Margaret in Toronto.


    Dear Jennifer, welcome to our wonderful family and am so sorry to read about your Father. I am going to cut right to the quick here and you NEED to be at a Hospital who has experience in CC. I do not know where Brandon is but if the Doctors admit they do not know what to do, your Father needs to be moved immediately. I do know we have had quite a few patients who have received the proper care at Queen Victoria in British Columbia, 1200 Newlands Rd SS 1, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S1 . I am sending this to you quickly and hope that others chime in here also quickly. I am sending you prayers that you can get some help for your Father. Please let us know how things go for you and for him.


    My father was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma (on 22 Oct 2016 to be exact). He is 60 yrs old and has never been sick with anything other than a common cold. So this has come as a huge shock to all of our family and friends and for him.

    For the past 2mths he has been not feeling well and the walk in clinic was treating him with medication for pneumonia. When things didn’t clear up they had him in for a CT scan and that is where they saw the clot in his lung. I took him to the hospital on 17 Oct 2016 and since then we have found out about his diagnosis.

    We are from Brandon, MB Canada and the Dr’s here seem to be guessing as they have never dealt with this type of cancer. This is very hard to hear on our end. I am just wondering if anyone can suggest any other outreach Dr’s that might be in Canada so that we can have some other opinions?

    They have also told us that the cancer is not only in the bile ducts; it has spread to the gallbladder, liver (enlarge to his belly button) and spots of cancer all over in his abdomen. This has caused a blood clot in his lung and in his leg. Because of the blood clot he is on a minor blood thinner to keep the blood flowing and to control the clots. They gave one option for a chemo treatment (surgical trial – can’t remember the name) but due to his blood thinning medication if they preformed the biopsy then he could bleed out internally. But if they stop the blood thinners to preform the biopsy then the clot could grow and he could be taken that way.

    We are just searching for any other advice that we can get at this point. The Dr’s have given him 4mths.

    Your information and help is greatly appreciated.

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