Nanosensor Device May Help Watch for Cancer From the Inside

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Nanosensor Device May Help Watch for Cancer From the Inside

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    I think that it would be of great help to many Julie for many of the reasons that you say, both for patients and their families etc. Let’s keep everything crossed that this will happen. But like everything to do with CC, let’s hope it is sooner rather than later!!!




    Gavin…..thanks for sharing that. Impressive, indeed. I want one right now!!!! :) Two years to to trials seems so long, but if he can get this to work……..

    It just wouldn’t be the early treatment of a cancer….but I think it would be a bit more peace of mind for some of us patients who dwell on the what ifs. While the nanodevice would hopefully detect any cancer in a very, very early stage…it would also indicate when everything is okay. Being able to know that….would really help the emotional/mental health of patients like I am ….who obsess about the cancer coming back or being back.

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