kidney dialysis and gem

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    Thanks for that asc. I hope that you and John get some good news on Tuesday and please keep us updated on how everything goes. My fingers are crossed for you both.

    Best wishes to you and John,



    Thanks gavin. The article has a recommendation for when dialysis should follow chemotherapy that I will ask the oncologist about. If John has chemotherapy on Tuesday morning and dialysis is Wednesday night, it seems like it is beyond recommendation.

    I am not sure I have a good answer for why this cocktail is being recommended. As background john had partial liver resection in October 2013 without clean margins. He had 5fu for 7 treatments at reduced dosages due to his other medical conditions including renal failure, which he did not.handle well (two hospitalizations during treatment). March 2014 scans were clear. So he was told to follow up with six month scans in September. A few weeks ago he developed a cough and difficulty breathing. I thought it was allergies because he was spending a lot of time doing yard work. Turns out his right lung had half filled with fluid due to cancer now on lung. Ct scan indicates it is also back in liver. Local oncologist consulted with oncologist at sloan Kettering and are in agreement to try gemzar this time. Dosage that john can handle is the concern.


    asc….Percy’s extensive research on drugs used for the treatment of this cancer included comments on Gemcitabine (Gemzar). It may be of help to you. Here is the link:

    From a laymen’s point of view I am wondering why the treatment has been suggested?


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry to hear about your husband, but glad that you’ve joined as you’re in the best place for support and help and I know that you’ll get loads of each from everyone here. Things can get a bit quiet at the weekend but I know that others will be along soon.

    Have you had a look at the search forum function at the top of the page? That will throw up any posts on the site from the members and their experiences with this. My dad never had chemo so I can’t help with any personal experiences here. Hopefully others will have more stuff to share with you.

    I had a quick look on google and came up with this –

    Don’t know if that will be of use or not and the article is quite old as well. Please let us know how your husband gets on with all of this and know as well that we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Does anyone have experience with gem and in full renal failure. Specifically looming for side effects and outcomes. My husband has been on dialysis (not related to cancer) since September and will start gem on Tuesday.

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