My Toughest Marathon – Video and Webchat

Discussion Board Forums Announcements My Toughest Marathon – Video and Webchat

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    1. View the video: My Toughest Marathon: A Runner’s Perspective on Cancer

    2. Join our live conversation with Bill Merriam on Monday, September 29 at 7:00 PM (ET). Register Now!

    3. Ask Bill a question. Submit your questions now then join the discussion to hear Bill’s response.

    Visit the “My Toughest Marathon” page for more information.


    We’d like to invite you to a special event on September 29, 2014.

    Bill is the father of 6 and grandfather of 13. He was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in 2009. In this inspirational video, he shares his “story” and perspective on cancer from a marathon runner’s point-of-view:

    “I have cancer but I am not going to let it stop me from being an active participant in the most active way that can as a father, spouse, and as a family-head so it becomes the new normal . . . I have a disease, the disease doesn’t have me.”

    Join our Web-Chat with Bill.

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