Feedback on condition

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    jl…..welcome. Glad to hear of your Mom’s recovery from surgery and wish for continued success. Jl, EBV+ lymphoepithelioma-like intrahepatic chlolangiocarcinoma, had been mentioned only once, many years back and I recall reference to the Epstein-Barr virus. Perhaps someone will come forward and pass on information relevant to your questions.
    Is your Mom receiving medications for the itching?


    Dear JL12, welcome to the best place for CC support and I am elated that your Mom could have surgery as that still is the best cure. I definitely would ask the ONC about the itching. Can’t recall that on here. You might go to the search engine at the top of the page and type in something like itch after surgery and see what posts pop up in older posts. I wish for your Mom to have a comfortable recovery. Where did she have her surgery and did they say they got clear margins? Please keep us posted on her progress and best of luck to her.


    Hi all,

    thank you for providing a support forum.

    my mother was diagnosed with EBV+ lymphoepithelioma-like intrahepatic chlolangiocarcinoma.

    she had been losing weight for about 6 months and the tests ordered by her pcp had been useless. as a family, we finally suggested a CT scan at which point they found a 15 cm tumor.

    3 weeks ago, she had a liver resection and then spent 1 week at the ICU and 1 week on a normal recovery floor.

    wanted to ask the following:

    – would love to learn more the experiences of others with an identical diagnosis
    – anyone who experienced itching even 3 week after surgery and what it would mean? no yellowing of the skin thus far.

    thank you so much!

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