Husband with CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husband with CC

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    Hi Sandy,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear what you and your husband have been going through, he sure has been through a lot this year to say the least. Glad that you’ve joined in with us though as you are in the best place for support and help and you will get loads of each from everyone here.

    Thanks for sharing everything with us. I so hope that your husbands med team can get to grips with everything and especially so with regards to the fainting and BP as from what you say that seems to be causing major issues right now. I hope that you will keep coming back here and please know that we are all here for you. Hoping for better times for you both.

    My best to you and your husband,



    ONC is aware of the problems. Stu has a prior history of high blood pressure, so has been on BP meds for a long time. His cardiologist and PCP are trying to regulate his BP wiith med changes, but so far it hasn’t changed the incidence of dizzy/fainting spells. His BP in the onc office yesterday was normal, but his hemoglobin is still in the 10 range which can also be contributing to light-headedness. It’s frustrating because he is feeling better overall, but is so afraid of having one of these fainting episodes that he doesn’t want to leave the house.


    I too would like to welcome you to our site. Your story is rather amazing. Your husband’s extremely early diagnoses of this cancer leading to a successful surgery was accompanied by numerous complications. Hoping with all my heart for things to continue to move in the right direction. I am wondering: are your husband’s current problems regarding the low blood pressure related to some of the medication he is taking?
    So glad you came to our site.


    Dear Sandy, welcome to our family and the best place to be for CC support. First Congratulations on Hubby’s surgery, but, oh my goodness he has really been put through the mill. Glad to hear he is feeling a tad better. You are right taking it day by day, one step at a time. One suggestion, would it be helpful if he had a walker so he could rise up slowly and stand for a few minutes before walking? Normal will come again it just takes time with such a huge surgery and then complications. Does his ONC know about the blood pressure problem? I am wishing for you both to have a more peaceful existence and may the rest of his recovery be without incidents. Much good luck to you both and please keep us updated on his progress as we truly care.


    Hi all. I’m new to this site. My husband was diagnosed in early January,2014 with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma after an ERCP for suspected gallstone revealed a total blockage in his common bile duct. He has surgery mid-January to remove the gallbladder and common bile duct and connect the liver to the jejunum. He had no positive lymph nodes, but did not have a clear margin in the left duct in the liver, so chemo and radiation were recommended (CC staged 1B). He had 2 cycles of gemzar and cisplatin, then 30 proton radiation treatments with 5 day/week continuous 5-FU, then 4 more cycles of gem/cis finishing in early September. We were so excited to be done the treatments, but the next week he ended up in the hospital with a massive duodenal ulcer bleed that almost killed him (he needed 12 units of blood and 5 units of plasma to stop the bleeding). During that hospitalization, his blood pressure was so low they tried multiple times to put arterial lines in his wrists to monitor his blood pressure without success, and finally put a line in his leg until his pressure stabilized. 5 days after discharge, he was back in the emergency room with a red, swollen left wrist and hand that was diagnosed as a radial artery clot and cellulitis and he was readmitted for another 5 days for IV antibiotics and pain management. He’s finally been home for 2 weeks and feeling better, but has been having problems with his blood pressure dropping when going from sitting to standing, and has had a couple of episodes of fainting and falling after standing up quickly.
    It seems like forever since life was “normal”. Hoping for every day to get a little better!!

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