What happens next?

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  • #18972

    mtmama… I don’t really have much to share at this point except CC with cirrohsis involvement can seriously complicate things. I would still recommend a second opinion. I would also recommend as I’m sure you already, know to put the vodka away as it will seriously hamper any treatment and will surely dehydrate him so quickly. You can get copies of scans and reports and fedex overnight to a different cancer center like sloan kettering, Mayo, ect. Click on Cholangiocarcinoma above and it will give you the contact infor of major cancer centers who have dealt with this type cancer. Sorry to hear about your husbands condition. Have him drink plenty of water and get prescription for nausea would be of benefit to start off with. I’m sure the radio frequency has irritated his digestive system from the inflamation. Prayers and thoughts to you both.
    God Bless ,
    Jeff G.


    My husband was diagnosed in July of 2007 with intrahepatic cc. He was unable to have a resection because of high portal vein pressure (from cirrohsis) so had radio frequency ablation on the 5+cm tumor. Until recently, he has had no symptoms other than extreme fatigue. He has no jaundice. He is now complaining of mild abdominal pain, experiencing pruritis, and is moderately confused about things (like which day to put out the trash, etc). He sleeps over 20 hours per day and really only eats ice cream now. Any other food makes him nauseated and he sometimes vomits after eating. He continues to drink vodka moderately but is loosing interest in that…What can I expect in the near future….do things get worse from here or does this period last for an extended amount of time? His ablated tumor area is now 14 cm….not sure if that is more tumor growing or just the ablated area around the original 5cm tumor. There may also be friends (hepatcellular carcinoma) showing themselves. Thoughts??? I just have no idea what to expect and no Dr.s seem to know much about cc. This is my only hope for info. Thanks.

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