Genomic Profiling of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Refining Prognos

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    Thanks Sarah! And welcome to the site. Sorry I haven’t been around here as much as usual these days, far too much stuff going on in my life at the moment.

    You sound like you have a very positive attitude and that will carry you far as you know, so keep on fighting and throwing these punches! My fingers are crossed for you for these good results and so hoping that you can start on these other more targetted treatments.

    Please let us know how everything goes, we are here for you and loads of positive thoughts are heading down to the gold coast from up here in chilly Scotland!




    Sarah….I too would like to welcome you to our site. Hold on to those boxing gloves and continue to fight. We are with you – all the way.


    Hi Sarah,
    Welcome to this site! Gavin is so great with all the information he posts! I am excited to hear how your gene testing comes back and am hoping they find a more targeted therapy for you. I like your determination and am so glad you are here. Please keep us informed of your progress and know we are here to encourage and support you in any way we can! Prayers and hugs to you!


    Hi Gavin,

    Thank you for all your information on here!!

    I have recently had a biopsy done, and the tumour cells are now being tested for DNA mutation, excited to see what they come back with. I have read a few cases where it appears that some people diagnosed with CCA actually have a mutation in the BRAF gene. Fascinating how it can be something completely different. Here’s hoping I get some good results and can start on more targeted treatment. I was diagnosed with CCA in February this year, I have just turned 39, and they told me that I wouldn’t see this Christmas, however I combine a lot of natural therapies together with chemo. I have mets to bones and lungs and liver is covered in a lot of very small tumours. I am determined to beat this, and will try everything possible!!


    Genomic Profiling of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Refining Prognosis and Identifying Therapeutic Targets

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