Lymph node puncture test

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    So glad that things went smoothly for you.



    YIPPEE – the lymph node puncture test is over. Just the name sounds like it’s going to be bad. I’m so happy it went well!



    crossing my fingers for the suspicious spot to be nothing other then “scar” tissue (still holding on to this one.) Hoping for you to have another breeze of a day and waiting to hear about your next fabulous report coming this way.


    Let me just tell everyone, a lymph node puncture test is a breeze. They inject local anesthic in the area and you feel absolutely nothing. I had my my “regular” ultrasound doctor as well as my “regular” MRI team. Spent one night in the hospital to monitor for bleeding. I was on the left hand side of the surgical wing so I had my favorite nurses. (One actually said it was really nice to have me back!) And the lovely doctor in charge of my case popped in both days (even on Saturday) to see me. So everything went well and was easy. Now I have to wait until Wednesday when I head to Gothenburg and the liver team to have some tissue removed from my suspicious spot and wait for all the results to come in. However, I am looking forward to the trip and Hans is coming with me.


    Kris, let us know how you’re doing. Take care.



    Hi Kris,
    hope you got through the day ok…sounded like a lovely way to spend a Friday…not.


    Thanks anyway Peter.
    I just got the paperwork for the procedure and it appears there is no anesthesia. So it will be a grit your teeth day and hopefully I will keep my hands off the doctor! I will have an MRI, the lymphnode puncture with ultrasound and I think i will also have my drain adjusted again. Three procedures in the radiology department in 1 day. Do you think I might get a free ham if I get the customer loyalty card stamped?


    We love ya Kris and at this point we all have thick skin!

    Maybe the doc will pay attention next time and get the anesthesia right. I’ve never had the procedure so can’t help there.



    Off to the hospital Friday to have a lymph node punture test. So give me the scoop, does it hurt?

    Need to know as when I woke up in the middle of my ERCP and was in pain, a fought the doctor. When the emergency room doctor moved my drain and I had a sudden burst of intense pain, I slapped his hands away. So, it appears that when I am suprised by pain, I physically react without thinking. If this is going to hurt, I need to know that now, so I dont get suprised and slap away the doctor again. I swear I am a nice person!

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