Mistltoe Therapy

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    Hi Angela,

    Great to see you here again and brilliant news about how you are doing now after going through MT!!!

    From what you say it has had a dramatic impact for the better to your quality of life and long may this continue! Any info or links you find on this please feel free to post them here as I know that many will be so interested in reading more about this. Say hi to Juan from me as well.




    angel-mar…..interesting and welcoming news. So happy to hear you had such fantastic response.


    Beneficial effects of Mistletoe Therapy (MT) at Camphill Wellbeing Trust Aberdeen, Scotland

    I know that MT has been mentioned on various posts on the site. I wanted to share my experiences as they have made such a basic difference to my life.

    From the first infusion I had beneficial effects.

    Quality of life effects have been instantaneous, dramatic and consistent. I am doing things I have not been able to do for 4 years, since my extended liver resection.

    1. Energy levels have increased to the extent I can wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair daily. In addition have a daily shower.

    2. My sleep is restorative for the first time in 4 years. I feel more alert.

    3. Instead of spending most mornings and all evening in my dressing gown, do not change into night attire until I go to bed at 10ish rather than 7pm

    4. For the first time I feel I am ‘charging on more than 1 cylinder’ rather than energy leaching out of me. I can do a little of what I want to do with the time I have left.

    5. Improved family communication. Skype sessions have been invaluable but they have only previously lasted 5 mins, if that & very infrequently. Now, I can interact and converse more coherently.

    Recent research has shown that MT has helped cancer patients tolerate a chemotherapy regime for a longer period of time. In addition a trial in Serbia with advanced pancreatic cancer patients showed an increased overall survival. This, and my own recent personal experience is helping me feel more positive about proceeding with the Gemcitabine/Cisplatin palliative regime being offered.


    Thank you…….Went to Glasgow and was advised to head to Aberdeen for stronger treatment. Wonder if it works in the same way the Merk seems to work? Helping our immune system….
    Should hear from the Aberdeen Centre on Monday.
    We’re still reeling from the shock especially as the 2 recent blood tests had been ok. Am wondering what size that golf ball is now.
    Love Angela


    Hi Angela,

    Good luck with the treatment! Glad that you were able to get the referral to Glasgow for it even if you did have to work so hard for it. Loads of positive thoughts are coming your way. Please let us all know how it goes and say hi to Juan from me too.




    angel-mar……good luck. Personally, I believe that Integrated Medicine should be incorporated in the treatments for cancer. It has always been part of Europe’s approach to illnesses, the US is lagging far behind.
    In my personal case, my husband’s treatment included mistletoe injections. No scientific answer as to the efficacy in his case, but no harm was done and we felt that all resources were explored to the utmost.
    Please keep us posted.


    Am heading to Glasgow Hospital of Integrated Medicine for an assessment to find out about possible Mistletoe Therapy to help with side effects of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin chemo or even instead of undergoing this palliative chemo. Requested an Exceptional Referral from Lothian Health Board via my GP. Glasgow and Aberdeen patients can be directly referred by their GP patients I believe.
    Had to work hard to get referral but managed to. Best wishes to all

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