Had a new scan yesterday after 6 rounds of Gem/Cis. Scan showed new spots in the liver and some of the pre-existing spots had grown. Luckily nothing is immediately life threatening and I feel relatively good considering CC is continuing to spread in the liver and remains in the lung and lymph node.
When originally diagnosed 3 years ago I had a resection and 3 months of Gem. CC stayed away for 18 months and then returned. Had microwave ablation. Returned again and had cryoablation. Returned again and did Gem/Oxy and this wiped the cancer out. It returned yet again 3 months later and that is when I started Gem/Cis. The numbness from the Oxy the first time kept us away from it again.
My oncologist is out sick today so haven’t been able to talk to him about what he recommends next. Will be talking with him early next week and would like to have some options to discuss with him. I am 47, good health other than CC, have a 4 year old son I have no intentions of leaving early, am a good fighter and in the mood kick the crap out of this stuff. Looking for next option whether it is another chemo drug (Folfox or whatever?) or any clinical trial.
I received a second opinion from Dr Chapman at Barnes Jewish prior to starting the Gem/Cis. He specializes more in surgical solutions and recommended same thing as my local oncologist. Also received a second opinion from Mayo through my local oncologist and they also recommended the Gem/Cis. They had a possible clinical trial but couldn’t recommend it over Gem/Cis. Don’t recall what this was but this may be what I try next. Can anyone recommend any other hospital or cancer center that may be better for a second opinion for someone in my situation?
Thank you for reading. Best wishes to any all affected by CC.