Chemo and Radiation question

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    My mother was also very ill for a day after her second treatment and we regretted not staying in hospital that night, but we thought that was because they not only gave her a very high dose, butthey also had her on xeloda two weeks prior to maximize the radiation uptake. I’m sorry you had a rough time as well.

    We are are keeping our fingers crossed that by March 19, not only will you be feeling great, but we’ll all be celebrating the great results. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going.



    Sorry to hear that you had such a tough time with the treatment again. Sounds like it was a real tough time for you to say the least and I am glad to hear that you are feeling better now. Let’s hope that this was all worth it and that it did it’s job on the tumours! Fingers are crossed for you here!

    My best wishes to you,



    Yikes, so sorry to hear that you had a tough time (again.) Sounds like you are on the upswing though and that is great news. Radiation is bound to cause tiredness, but that too will cease. Tons of fingers are crossed on this end – may the tumor have shrunk to “nothing.”
    BTW: Thanks for reading the biliary book. We are in the process of updating. I will start another thread on this site – comments of any kind are welcome.
    Hang in there, you are doing great.


    So I had my second round of radiation on February 9. It was as bad as the first one. Went up through the femoral artery and shot those beads into my liver. I was Sick Sick Sick. Ended up in the emergency room after 5 hours of vomiting and pain so bad I couldn’t stand it. Did not eat for days afterward. COuldn’t keep anything down and had no appetite. Now several weeks later I am feeling better and on the mend but absolutely exhausted. Need a nap by 6:00 p.m. so I can stay away till 9:00 p.m. I go for my scan on March 16 and Doctor on March 19 for the results. Praying that it killed off this monster totally or shrunk it to nothing. Thank you all for the support. P.S. Just finished reading 100 Questions and Answers about Biliary Cancer. What a great book. I recommend this to anyone who is dealing with this themselves or with a family member.


    Hi- mom didn’t have much abdominal pain with mappping, and once the first couple of days had passed after Y90, mostly just fatigue for a few weeks (did have nausea, but that’s the norm for Mom and any meds). However, this second Y 90 round they gave a higher dose. To help with pain andd inflammation, they sent her home with a 5-day steroid that we had to renew since she still had the pain (but pain was higher than stomach area). Also, they had her take a 30-day prevacid.

    Good news- Mom had the first Y90 in Feb and then was treatment-free till Nov 19. Traveled and enjoyed life. And, this past treatment was our call to be agressive- still showing no progression. I hope your symptoms get better quickly and the treatments are successful.

    Take care,


    Thank you everyone for your responses. Went on friday and had the mapping done. Dr said everyrhing went reallywell but I’ve been having really bad stomache pains since Saturday. The upper part of my stomach hurts really bad and hurts to even touch. Pain meds aren’t even helping. Called Dr office was told everyone respond differently and to take pepcid for a couple days. If I dint feel better by Wednesday to let them know and I’ll go in to see him on tThursday. I already take 2 different stomach meds plus I’ve been taking gasx. I pray it start to get better. Scheduled for radiation on January 9. Will be getting Y90. Pray I dont have the same reaction or worse.


    DMiller…sounds like some good news to me….good chemo response….embolization…and even surgery,…..and doctors who use the terms, “long and healthy life,” Happy Dance!!!


    Based on your fantastic response to chemo I expect all things to continue this well too. Great news all the way around.


    I received what I felt was good news from the radiologist on Tuesday. The tumor has responded well to the chemo and has shrunk for the second time so it is time to move on and do embolization radiation. I am gong to have a CT Scan, shunt study then mapping of my veins,/arteries on Friday. I will go back on January 9 or sooner for the Emolization Radiation and maybe a second if necessary I am happy that I am getting a break from the chemo. After I am done with the radiaton I will go back for either a PET or CT Scan to see how well it worked. The radiaologist said that since it has not continued to grow, if the radiation works really well in killing off more or most of the cancer cells there shouldn’t be any reason why I shouldn’t be able to go back to the surgeon maybe in a couple months for resectioning of my liver and be able to live a long and healthy life.

    Hopefully everything will go well and see what the next couple months bring. Thank you all for your responses. I love this message board and being able to share everyone’s experiences. it has really helped me alot.



    Mom had the SIRT (internal spheres) , it’s done as an outpatient. Two appointments- one is a test run when they map the way they will go and then a week or two later they do the procedure. If this is what they suggest for you, please let me know if you have any questions.

    Good luck Tuesday,



    DMiller….This updated version presents numerous links pertaining to radiation therapy. Take a look:
    Also, the “Radiation Thread” on our website offers much information on this subject. Thanks to Gavin for keeping us informed.
    Most of all I (well, almost most of all) I hope for others to share their experience with you.
    MOST OF ALL it is fantastic to know that you are feeling so well.



    I too had a question when my GP referred to my tumor as “on my liver.” I was confused and told her I thought that the CT showed it was INside my liver, not on the outside. Yup… was indeed INside….it’s just the common verbage I think they use and sometimes refer to a tumor ON an organ. My surgeon referred to my bile duct cancer as primary liver cancer, further confusing me….but we finally figured out that is another “usage of terms”…and while somewhat accurate, doesn’t really paint the full picture. I don’t know WHY they don’t just say, you have bile duct cancer. In the first situation, my GP did not know at that time what the tumor was….no diagnosis….not even cancer at that point. The surgeon’s remarks were based on the fact, I suppose, that the cancer had yet to be definitely diagnosed as bile duct cancer and it took the pathology of the tumor to determine that. So, she was thus also somewhat accurate in calling it a primary liver cancer at that point in time. I’ve seen various articles that refer to bile duct cancer as a primary liver cancer….yet, that really isn’t quite the whole story. It’s confusing.

    I’m wondering why at this point, you are not a candidate for surgery? Where is the tumor located. It’s it too close to an artery for surgery or what? The size certainly shouldn’t keep them from operating…..mine was 5.0 cm.

    It seems to me that you’ve had excellent response to the chemo…..and as such, a different interventional treatment may certainly be in order to do something to stop the growth before the chemo might stop working.

    I don’t know a lot about radiation with CC, but there are plenty on the boards who do….a lot of collective experience. I’m sure that some will be chiming in soon. The weekends on the boards are always a bit slower with responses, so hang in there and check back.

    Julie T…Iowa Girl


    So when I was first diagnosed back in April 2014 the tumor on my liver was 7.4 x 5.1. After the first round of chemo it went to 5.0 x 3.1. Finished my second round at it went to 4.6 x 2.6. Dr. afraid that I might be plateuing so he wants me to consult with radiologist to do radiation and then go back to chemo. Will be meeting with radiologist on the 9 of December.

    They always seem to talk about the tumor on the liver but no one every mentions the bile duct. Where is it, how big is it how much is there. Will need to ask.

    I know I am going to ask the Dr. on Tues but I like to be preinformed. My question is, what type of radiation do they do for this. Oncologist mentioned 1 of 2 kinds. Is it a one time thing meaning you go in and have radiation once or is it a series. Is it a procedure or just an in and out thing. What about side effects or after symptoms.

    Any information you can provide would be appreciated.

    I am amazed that I have been able to go through all of this since April and I still continue to go to work, go bowling every Sunday with my husband and try to live a normal life. it almost scares me that things are going to well.

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