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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Our journey

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    My husband had surgery in March 2014. Following surgery, he had radiation with Xeloda. After 5 weeks of radiation, he had a little break, and then Xeloda alone. He tolerated it pretty well, although toward the end of his treatment he developed hand/foot syndrome–his hands and feet were very sensitive, skin on his fingers wanted to split, and bottom of his feet experienced peeling. He frequently lotioned his hands and feet with a good quality lotion–this helped immensely. Other than sensitive hands/feet, he didn’t really experience any other side effects. He just finished his last round in mid-December.


    Hello Deb –
    Welcome to the best little family for support. You already have half the battle won by being able to have surgery. If you don’t mind me asking, where was the tumor – intrahepatic or extrahepatic? My husband’s was extra-hepatic (Klatskin’s tumor) and had a successful liver resection. He did traditional chemo of Gemcitabine and oxaliplatin for 6 months then 25 doses of radiation with continuous 5 FU infusion so I can’t say much about the pills but I know there are those on here who will jump in.

    Keep us updated on how things go.



    Hi Deb,

    Welcome to the site! Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined as you are so in the best place for support and help and I know that you will get loads of each from the great members here. And real glad to hear as well that your surgeon recommended this site to you!

    I can’t personally help with personal experiences about surgery or chemo as my dad never had either, he had PDT but I know that there will be many along soon that will be able to help with the specific questions that you ask. What type of chemo did your onc at Lahey recommend you take? The more info that you can give us the better that we will be able to help you.

    Thanks for sharing what has been going on with you. As I said, sorry that you had to find us here but please know that you are around people who know what you are going through and are here for you. You are not alone in this now, we are here for you and we care. Please keep coming back and let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you,



    I am new on this site and I wanted to find a place to talk with others who are experiencing treatments for cholangiocarcinoma. I was diagnosed in October 2014 and was operated on Nov, 6th at the Lahey Medical center. Dr. Jenkins, my surgeon, recommended this site. I am now awaiting the treatment phase and would love to hear from people who have had success with the pill form of chemo. I have been very anxious about this and need some positive feedback. Dr. Stuart , the oncologist at Lahey, said that 80% of the people have no issues with it. Soooo if there are others who would love to share their experience I would love to hear. Thanks so much for a forum to share.


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