It has been a 6 month roller coaster, but

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working It has been a 6 month roller coaster, but

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  • #86547

    Brilliant news Dave! Ecstatic is so the right word to describe how you both are feeling right now, and we are all ecstatic for you both also!

    My best to you and your wife,




    Thank you for sharing. The good news posts truly do start my day off well. It also speaks to how important having a skilled surgical team is in treating CC.

    We are very happy for you and your wife!

    Take care,


    SimplyDave, I don’t have to read between the lines of your post, to know just how happy…..and relieved you are to reach this point. It is so good to see our loved ones doing well after surgery and know that they have received a chance for good health again. You and your wife will have our continued prayers.

    Julie T.


    Well, SimplyDave, this is simply the best news ever. YIPPEE for surgery and we know she will continue to do well. Has the ONC discussed any kind of plan to follow now such as Scans or Onc visits? Hooray and again a huge YIPPEE!


    I am very happy to tell you all that my wife is now cancer free according to her doctors.

    She was diagnosed in August 2014 with this disease and if it wasn’t for one surgeon saying they couldn’t perform the operation she needed we would have not found one that could.

    She underwent a extrahepatic excision of her bile duct where the surgeons at Florida Hospital in Tampa removed part of her liver, her gall bladder, and a cancerous section of the bile duct and reconnected it to her small intestine for drainage. End result shows no carcinoma visible or found in biopsy. in any of the related margins.


    Our doctors, Alexander Rosemurgy and Sharona Ross were very, very very in touch with us throughout the course of treatment.

    My wife is now recuperating at home and is 21 days post op and looking well, eating as possible and exercising to regain strength. We owe a great debt to God and everyone that offered prayer and good thoughts.

    I will not post very much, not like I have, but I will keep you all in my heart for your kindness and knowing what you are going through. Thank you all .

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