My Brother’s Journey with CC!!! (Sorry so long)

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Brother’s Journey with CC!!! (Sorry so long)

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    Dear Jason,

    I am very sorry for the loss of your brother and that you had to become introduced to this disease. We are grateful that you were willing to share your story with us; so many learn from what others have gone through.

    Take care,


    Hi Jason,

    Welcome to the site and I am so very sorry to hear about your brothers passing. I so wish that you never had the need to find us all here. My thanks to you for sharing your brothers story and I know that would have been so hard to write. We are all here for you Jason and can so relate to the loss of a loved one to this cancer. Please keep coming back here and we will help if we can, you are most welcome here. My condolences to you Jason.

    Best wishes,



    Jason…thank you for sharing your story with us and welcome to our site. My heart goes out to you and your family for having lost your brother to this cancer.
    I have learned that a resection is rule out if and when satellite tumors are visible. It only makes sense to not have a patient undergo this type of radical surgery when indeed the disease is systemic and other tumors arose in spite of the treatments. Yes, your brother responded well, but unfortunately the cancer was bigger and stronger. I am so sorry. May your heart begin to heal and my the happy memories shared help overshadow the sad times of your lives together.
    Hugs an love,


    Dear Jason,

    Thank you for sharing your story of Eric’s journey with CC. I am so sorry for what you and your family have been through. Try to take comfort in remembering the good times before CC. He will always be with you in those memories. Keep him forever in your heart.

    You and your family have my deepest sympathy.



    Dear Jason, I am so sorry about your Brother and his journey with CC. Try not to look back at what ifs, could haves, it will serve no purpose for anything. In just these 2 years there are better outcomes for a lot of CC patients. I can promise you that in time all the good memories of your Brother will far out weigh his battle with CC. I am sure he knows you will not forget him, ever and that he hopes you can move on and keep making him proud.

    • I wish heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again.
    • I thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
    • I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
    • I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
    • All I have are memories and pictures in a frame.
    • Your memory is a keepsake, from which I’ll never part.
    • God has you in his arms…I have you in my heart


    Hello my name is Jason and I have visited this site many times after my brother Eric was diagnosed with CC in September 2013. I never posted a comment until today and I think it is fitting on CC awareness month to share my brother’s battle with this horrible disease. I just can’t believe that my brother is no longer with us and not a day goes by that he doesn’t cross my mind. It all started in fall of 2013 and my brother was having problems with kidney stones and his family doctor wanted to do a scan to see how his kidney’s looked.

    The results came back and the doc said that his kidney’s looked great but the scan showed a large mass on his Liver. First the doc thought it was a large section of nerves that was there sense birth but after many tests were done they finally took a biopsy and it was found to be CC and the tumor was bigger than a lime. Now what was weird about this is usually with CC it is in the bile duct but my brothers was clear up until his death. Of course we were all worried and couldn’t believe that my brother Eric a 6’3″ athletic juggernaut had cancer. Fast forward to November and he was scheduled for surgery at the Mackey Cancer Center in Lexington KY to see if a resection was possible.

    The doctors found that my brothers liver was 75% compromised with a large tumor and about 50 satellite tumors. Of course we were all devastated with the news that he had about 3 months to live of course my brother didn’t give up. The doctors at the cancer center started him on chemo and radiation about a month after surgery so his incision could heal. Then came March and my brother had a internal bleed that almost took his life. When they got him stable at the hospital they concluded that my brother should be dead after losing almost 80% of his blood. After 3 weeks and 22 pints of blood along with 5 things of plasma he was released from the icu and was allowed to go home a few days later.

    Of course when things like this happen you can’t have any chemo or radiation and it put my brother behind in his bid to get back to a second surgery. After a couple more stints in the hospital do to pneumonia the doctors at Uk cancer center decided my bothers best chance at another resection attempt would be in St Louis at the Baptist Hospital were they specialize in liver resections. As the doctors open him up they see that the liver looks good and the cancer has shrunk by half but they see to small tumors outside the liver so they decided not to resect the liver because it would not cure my brother and I thought wouldn’t he had a better chance at survival if they did go ahead with the resection??? That was June 14 and my brother Eric passed 5 months later on November 19th 2013 at the age of 50.

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