UNOS – APP for the patient on the transplant list –

Discussion Board Forums Radiation Treatments & Options UNOS – APP for the patient on the transplant list –

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  • #11045

    I would like to see a APP from UNOS – when a person is on a transplant list for a organ. I think if they could follow the allocation process and the details along with the Medical Industry, that would give the recipient and their families peace of mind.

    Obviously, since Cholangiocarcinoma is a unique and RARE disease – I hope they ( the medical industry) would and could create a larger database to find cures.

    I know cancer is a challenge for the Best of the Best, but network and researching could help eradicate this medical mystery. I believe in miracles … and hope one day soon we have this opportunity available to us and our family. Make the unknown disappear, to help this disease become manageable and curable !!!

    Interested in your thoughts and comments… Our Voice needs to be heard!

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