Chemo with Afinitor

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    Thank you for the reply. We have had second opinions from some prominent doctors and they have agreed of the protocol given to this point. I guess what I was trying to say was that the genetic mutations of the tumor (markers) have given our oncologist the reason to prescribe Afinitor, to see if they can be shut down. She has four active tumor mutations that we saw on the biopsy report..two of which there are drugs for, two others that there are not.

    We are being told that a chemo regiment along with the Afinitor enhances the effect of the treatment. I just hate to see her go through the chemo again as the side effects really bothered her bowel/digestive system. Just wanted to hear if anyone else experienced this treatment regiment.

    Thank you again for any and all help….it is truly appreciated!


    Dear Jim,

    I’m sorry to read that the results not been as hoped. You mention tumor markers elevated, but was there any shrinkage with the chemo and Y90? I only ask because we were told that the CA-19 could rise after the Y90 treatment from dead cancer cells being released into the blood.

    Unfortunately, we have had no experience with the Afinitor, but I understand your questioning of the side-effects. Quality of life is always an important consideration. I also agree with Marion that a second opinion might be worthwhile.

    Take care,


    Jim….I am hoping for others to chime in on your questions. If you don’t receive any answers then please don’t hesitate from reposting on this site.
    You might also wish to consider a second professional opinions from physicians/centers very familiar with this disease. It has become standard of care for all cancer patients.
    Good luck and please keep us posted.



    Have not written in the discussion forum since my wife’s diagnosis. I do hope that eveyone is well and still “fighting the fight” against this horrible disease. Since Oct. when we found out about this my wife has been through 3 sessions of chemotherapy (carboplatinum /cisplatin/Gemcitabine) and a full round of Y90. These therapies have not produced the results that our team has wanted.
    She recently was put on Afinitor (oral) due to certain tumor markers that have been discovered. Our oncologist, who we believe in 100% has suggested that she go back on chemo for the next 12 weeks (4 sessions total)…Cisplatin/Gemstar along with the Afinitor.

    I guess my question is as follows: Has anyone been on this type of protocol before? and has it been sucessful to enhance the Afinitor as we have been told? My initital understanding was that systemic chemo struggles against this type of tumor and I would hate to see her go through the difficult side-effects that she experienced before. Believe me, this is not a “give-up” just a question to reach out to this amazing group of people for some insight.

    All my best (as always!) Jim

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