60 minutes – fighting brain cancer with polio virus

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  • #87445

    Thanks for that Marion, very interesting and let’s hope this works for other cancers too.


    I missed this in the press, but my mother told me about it tonight on the phone. And…..it can potentially be used against all solid tumors….among the hardest to kill off. I loved reading that story….and it should give all of us hope….those in the beginning stages of treatment, those whose treatment has failed and those, like I am, who wait and wonder if the CC will return and then what. There’s hope on the horizon……Mayo did something similar with measles and melanoma just last year. This sounds like it could get pushed through for use sooner than expected. What a joyous day for everyone if it continues to work and it is released for general use.

    Praying for continued success of this immuniotherapy.

    Julie T


    Marion, what an exciting read! Who would have thought. hope, hope, hope! You just never know what is around the corner.

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