Intro and thankful to have found this group

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intro and thankful to have found this group

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    HI Dennis,
    Welcome and congratulations on your successes! I love to hear good news and good reports! Please keep us updated on your progress, we truly care! I am a 5+ year survivor/fighter and love to hear positive news. Take care!


    Dennis, Welcome to the CC boards and thank you for sharing your story. I am also a patient….having had a successful resection a year ago (Feb 2014) for intrahepatic CC. It sure sounds like you took the bull by the horns and were proactive in procurring a surgeon with whom you were comfortable and treatment. I’m a little worse for the wear….having done adjuvant chemo after the resection, but I’m trying to get on with my life and enjoy the good times as they come.

    Julie T.


    Hi Dennis,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined in with us as you are so in the best place for support and help and you will get loads of each from all of us here. Thanks for sharing what has been going on with you for the last year and that is so good to hear that you were able to have the successful surgery!

    From everything that you say it so sounds like your recover has gone well and it certainly sounds like you are enjoying life once again, great stuff! Please keep coming back here and know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hello, Dennis and welcome to our elite family. CONGRATULATIONS and a huge YIPPEE on your successful surgery and your diligence in being your own advocate! GOOD WORK, WELL DONE. I know you are going to be busy ‘living your life’ now but please do check in with us to let us know how you are doing and I am sure your advice would be invaluable to others.


    Dear Dennis,

    Welcome to our group and congratulations on the successful surgery and greatl recovery! We are here in times of good and bad, but we do LOVE hearing about people who are doing well and can give hope to others. Thank you for sharing your story and your positive attitude. Yes, lot of highs and lows, and it does make us so more appreciative of the high times. However, one thing that I have also been amazed with from the people on this board, is how much can be appreciated in life even when things aren’t going well.

    We are so happy for you and the family. Please continue to keep in touch.



    Wow! You’ve got everything you need to live a great life. Take advantage of your miracle and live life to the fullest, never looking back.



    I am 50 years old residing in Cincinatti with my wife and two beautiful kids. I am so thankful to have found this group. Although new to this forum, I have been battling CCA for almost a year. I was diagnosed with Klatskin’s tumor in June of 2014. Within a few days of diagnosis I underwent a procedure at Bethesda North to have a stent placed to allow bile flow. At the same time we (my wife and I) researched and collected opinions from several hospitals. As my situation was critical, we didn’t have much time to weigh through all then information (good and not-so-much) that was out there. We traveled to NYC and interviewed surgeons at Sloan Kettering and Columbia Presbyterian. We felt most comfortable with and elected to go with Columbia (and especially the surgeon there). On July 16th I underwent resection surgery that removed the tumor, most of the bile duct, gallbladder, half my liver, and then connected the remaining liver directly to my intestine. Fortunately the pathology reports showed we achieved negative margins and that the cancer was contained in the one tumor and had not spread too any other areas. Since the surgery I have recovered to the point were I enjoy the active live I had before all this happened. I could go on-and-on and sense that everyone here has been through the same physical and emotional highs/lows. I am extemely impressed with the amount of knowledge, experience and SUPPORT that this group actively shares. Thanks for allowing me to participate. – Dennis

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