abdominal pain/incision pain because of chemo?

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects abdominal pain/incision pain because of chemo?

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    Thank you Lainy, Julie T, and Marion. Just had a doctor visit and she reassured my mom that the pain is most likely from the cisplatin making her nerves more sensitive and thus the pain. I think mom feels better now. Thanks for your suggestions ladies :)




    I had pain in my abdomen during chemo ….close to the incision site. It would hit suddenly and just as suddenly be gone. It could be chemo making your mom more sensitive, or it could be nerves trying to heal post surgery. I had transient pain around the main incision off and on during chemo and for a while after, and then it stopped and hasn’t come back.

    I would suggest that you go with your mom to her next appt if she will let you, and bring up this issue that your mom is concerned that the CC is back …due to her feeling this abdominal pain. Sometimes, unless we present it as a real concern, I’ve found that doctors tend to pass over a question and don’t explain fuller. They don’t see a problem, and don’t spend the time to full explain why unless we press them.

    Julie T.


    Serena….perhaps your Mom needs more assurance that the pain she feels is not related to a recurrence. It might help for you to be present when she speaks with the physician.


    Aha! Good memory! Yes I am on 10 mg of Lexapro. I can’t take much of any RX. I am on Statins for high chol and high tri glycerides. Over a year ago I started taking them every other day and my LABS are the same as when I took them daily. DON”T anyone else do this!!!! I have always ‘doctored’ myself that way. For me personally the Lexapro works great and no side effects. You might tell Mom that the stress she is under uses up her good energy that is needed to fight the CC. Stress is bad for any kind of illness. My favorite quote is “attitude is everything” from the great Football Coach Vince Lombardi. Good luck. I know first hand that it is hard to switch parent and child roles but it can be done.


    Thank you Lainy. I actually remember reading one of your posts a few months ago and you mentioned starting a low dose anti-depressant, Lexapro? I told my mom she should consider it and the onc gave her a prescription however my mom has yet to start it.. Prior to her diagnosis she was on zoloft… and suddenly stopped prior to surgery. I think my mom has convinced herself that taking anymore pharmaceutical drug will do more harm than good.. I’m hoping I can talk her into starting the Lexapro.. Thank you. :)


    Dear Serena, I can understand why she feels like she does. I have been on diff infusions for 3 years now in hope to cure Colitis and I cannot take anymore of the side effects. A year ago my Gastro recognized this and put me on a very mild anti depressant, having never been on one before. You might want to talk to her ONC about that. It may help her all around not just for the chemo. Sometimes we just need a little help.


    Good evening,

    My mom is starting cycle 3 tomorrow. The first 3 infusions did not affect my mom that much – mostly fatigue. She is 9 months post-resection of a 6 cm klatskins tumor. Other than the fatigue, she says she’s starting the feel the abdominal discomfort and pain again in her abdominal area, where surgery was performed. The oncologist didn’t seem to concerned, she said sometimes chemo can make patients more sensitive, especially where they had surgery, and so they may experience more pain. Has anyone else experienced this? Although i feel my mom is tolerating the chemo relatively well, she feels its making her worse and wants to stop chemo! She’s constantly worried that the cancer has come back and that’s why she’s experiencing pain. She’s depressed and I feel like nothing I say or do can help her.. I always remind her that she was fortunate to receive the surgery, as I know many are not yet able to. I don’t know what else to say to encourage her to continue the chemo, as I want her to do everything she can to beat this. However ultimately its her choice.. sorry, I’m just venting now. Thanks to everyone who has responded to all my previous, worried, anxious posts – I can always rely on this group.


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