Dear everyone ,
My beautiful , young ( only 58 ) mother passed away the beginning of this month .She was a great wife , wonderful mother , unforgettable grandmother , great sister . To me she was a friend , mother , sister and a teacher . I am an only child and she was all these things to me and more .The void I feel in my heart is soo painful and life is n’t feeling the same anymore . I posted in this site at the time of her diagnosis .Since then , I have been a regular visitor and many of your posts gave me lot of courage to fight this battle . She was inoperable at diagnosis in April 07 .Chemo gave us only 9 months . I miss her .I cant believe she wont talk to me again . I cant believe she wont visit me again . I just cant believe that she wont be there for her grandchild anymore . The only solace for me is that she wont suffer anymore . She passed with a smile on her face .
You will be always alive in my heart , Mom