Stents aren’t lasting very long

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    Hi Lorraine,

    I do agree with what Lee and Lainy have said to you re stents and the things that you need to look out for as possible signs of infection etc. And any of these signs should be looked into as soon as possible if they arise. As a rough guide, plastic stents will last around 3 months or so before clogging can become and issue and metal ones last around a year.

    Hope that the Levaquin works well for you and please keep us updated on how things go for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hi, Lorraine! Unfortunately that stent problem kind of goes with the territory. It got to a point that ER would meet Teddy at the door with the Levaquin IV. The ONC had once told me that when the temp goes over 100 take him in. We kind of learned to roll with the punches and he got the infection about 2 X a year so that was not too unbearable. I was happy that Teddy would and could eat anything but when he didn’t eat as much he went on Carnation Instant Breakfast, the vanilla and I would blend in a banana. Actually any fruit would do but as we know a banana has lots of protein. Hospice had once told me that this drink can take the place of any meal, all 3 meals or as a drink with meals. Best of luck on your stent situation and hoping it calms down.



    I can relate your experience and share your concern. My husband was diagnosed with ICC in November 2010. He had two surgeries and numerous of chemo regimens. Recently he has developed jaundice and CT found a stricture in his bile duct. A stent (plastic) was put in early April and a week later was replaced with 2 stents as the doc thought the first one was not working. He was on oral antibiotics for 5 days after the ERCP. A week after he finished the antibiotics, he had fever and ended up in the ER and was admitted to the hospital subsequently. He was discharged 3 days later with oral antibiotics, and again a week after he finished the antibiotics, he had chills, fever and admitted to the hospital again. They found one of his stents was occluded and both stents moved from where they were placed. He was discharged last Tuesday and is now on oral antibiotics. These plastic stent needs changed between 6 – 10 weeks depending on the length of the stents. But stents get blocked off sometime that will require to be changed. Our GI doc told us it usually requires the stent to be changed sooner when it is initially placed. So I am hopeful that my husband’s and your stent will last longer after the initial placement. I am very alert about his temperatures and measure several times a day. You do need to pay close attention to these symptoms, such as dark urine than usual, chill, fever of course, and should seek medical care immediately. Hope this is helpful, but hang in there!



    I have intrahepatic CC, located on the right side of my liver. I had my first temporary stent put in on March 9. On April 1 and again on April 9, I had episodes of severe chills; I was put on Levaquin, had no recurrence, and didn’t think about it again for awhile. (I find that one of my biggest adaptation problems with this whole thing is trying to get out of the mindset of a basically healthy person and into the mindset of a CC patient where all these physical symptoms that you would have ignored before are all of a sudden potentially dangerous.)

    Anyway, I ended up at the M.D. Anderson ER on May 1 after the sudden onset of upper right quadrant pain and a temperature of 101.6. I was on IV antibiotics and pain meds for several days, and they replaced the stent, which they said had become blocked.

    I’m now approaching my 3rd round of Gem/Cp chemotherapy. Yesterday, May 22, after feeling really good all week, I had another bout of severe chills and a temperature of 100.6. They’ve put me on oral Levaquin again for 10 days. My temperature is normal today, and I’m feeling much better, but I have a sinking feeling that I’m on a downhill slope again.

    My doctor said that, if I respond well to the chemo, the pressure on the stent might be relieved and they would start lasting longer. Is there anything else I should be doing as far as diet, life style, etc.? I’m on a one week one/one week off schedule for the chemo, and the indications were that I would be feeling pretty well during the by weeks and actually be able to pursue a bit of my normal life, but now I’m getting to be afraid to leave the house.

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