Dealing with constipation from Zofran

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Dealing with constipation from Zofran

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    Lorraine……I hope for well stocked stores carrying this chocolate, as I anticipate a big run on this welcome product. Happy to hear that you are fairing rather well with the treatment and that you have eliminated the most bothersome issue so far.

    I wonder, dear Lorraine, would you please repeat this posting in our “Managing Side Effects” thread? We want to make sure to for everyone to have the opportunity to eat chocolate “for the right reason.”



    Hi Lorraine,

    Many thanks for that! Diet chocolates for constipation, sounds so much better than movicol or lactulose or anything like that! No doubt tastes much better too!

    Hope that your chemo continues to go well, and that the diet chocs do their new found job also if needed!

    My best to you,



    IMcherry…..I had to laugh about your creative solution for the constipation…..the additional of the diet chocolates. They certainly DO have that effect….which I found out quite by accident one time. It never dawned on me to use the candy for constipation. In fact….the low sugar /carb ice cream had the same effect.

    Otherwise…it really sounds like you are sailing through the chemo fairly well, with little side effects. I hope that holds for you and the candies continue to keep you more regular. That’s just a crazy idea …but if it works……that’s all that matters. Love it!!!



    I am currently receiving my first Gem/Cs regimen, half way through now. I haven’t had much problem from the drugs themselves yet, other than a day or two of mild flu-like symptoms and fatigue. A very low-grade nausea is well controlled with Zofran. My biggest problem so far related to the treatment has been that the Zofran resulted in severe constipation, so I have been working on a combination of fiber, diet, stool softeners, etc. that will keep my digestive system in balance. Interestingly, the final addition that seemed to really do the trick was eating a couple of diet chocolates every evening for dessert. Russell Stover chocolates, in addition to being very good, are sweetened with one or more sugar alcohols (look for sorbitol or maltitol on the ingredients list), which have a significant laxative effect for many people. So, a nice solution, overall!

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