Infection? (body aches, chills, low grade fever oh my!)

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Infection? (body aches, chills, low grade fever oh my!)

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  • #88408

    anrena…..perhaps increasing the protein intake will help. The below link may be of help to you:
    If blood count doesn’t increase then it is likely for the upcoming chemotherapy treatment to be postponed. It is not uncommon to skip a session.
    Hoping for others to share their experience with us as well.
    Hang in there, anrena, it is a bump in the road. We liken it to a roller coaster ride.


    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if anybody who has gone through chemo (gem/cis) ever experienced an infection during their off week? My mom just finished her 4th cycle (8 infusions) of gem/cis and this was her off week to recover. I was under the impression that the off week was help your immune system pick back up and give itself a chance to regenerate White blood cells, but my mom suddenly developed low grade fever, chills, and body aches and this is her day 12 already (day 1 being the last chemo infusion). we are supposed to start chemo wednesday but I don’t think her body can handle it now. Doctor said if theres a fever, then its an infection (could be anything like UTI..). My question is- anybody do anything to help boost the immune system? or found that something works for them? Its just really annoying have to deal with the side effects of chemo and then on top of that- these pesty potential infection your body has to fight! And I thought by the off week, her immune system would be strong enough to fight off any bacteria! If anybody has any insight, I would love to hear it! thanks!


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