liver resection surgery

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    Darlene…so sorry to hear of the latest development. As mentioned by you, many others have had similar experiences; nothing can compare to the surgeon’s eyes for accurate disease diagnoses.
    We know that Stage IV patients tumors cannot be removed completely by surgery, as the cancer may have spread to other parts of the abdominal cavity. Having said that, Darlene, once recovered from the abdominal incision, other options should become available to you. You may want to discuss molecular blood testing or the possibility and advantage of a more comprehensive testing of your tumor tissue. Perhaps a specific biomarker can be identified useful in a treatment protocol specifically geared to you. Also you would want to discuss with the oncologist participation in a clinical trial.
    I wish for a quick recovery and a positive outcome with the upcoming meeting with the oncologist.

    I am not a physician, hence all information provided by me must be validated by an expert.



    Oh, Darlene, I am so sorry. The important thing is they are going to come up with a plan. My husband’s was at the omentum but he was fortunate to get clear margins after a Whipple. He too went through surgery twice with in 3 weeks. If the pain pills are not working to your satisfaction please let your ONC know as you need your energy to heal now for the next step. Please do NOT give up hope as Moffitt will come up with a treatment plan. I totally understand what you are feeling. The first thing is to get well from this surgery. Sending you all things good in thoughts and wishes!



    So sorry to hear of this set back. I don’t have any answers for you , but am sure that others will chime in soon who have had similar situations. Hoping that the news on the 23rd will be more positive in nature and also will help to answer more of your concerns. Please update us on the situation when you can. We care.



    Been a while since I’ve been here. After doing several round of chemo followed by radiation my doctors felt I was a candidate for surgery. I was referred to the Moffitt cancer center in Tampa, Fl which is a 4 hour drive from my home. I met with Dr Malafa head of the GI Clinic and after a couple more tests he scheduled my surgery which was last Wednesday, June 24. He wad going to cut the tumor out then burn the edges but if there was too much inflammation then he would just ablaze the whole thing instead. Unfortunately when he went in their he found more cancer this time on the fatty cells of the colon so he couldn’t do anything other than some biopsies and close me back up. I have a huge incision and I’m in a lot of pain. Now the new plan is to have me meet with their oncologist to see what the best treatment will be then I will do the chemo here with my oncologist. I’m still not really sure exactly where it is or how much is there. I read a little bit of a report and it mentioned omentum. I am very upset and disappointed. I thought I would be done and on the road to recovery.

    I’m am assuming I am not the first person this has happened to. I goback to see them on the 23 and they can explain it better to me of where, how much and hopefully it is no where else. It did not show up on any od my previous scans . Now I wonder how long it may have been there.

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