Help with targeted therapy after cisplatin/gemcitabine

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    Those of you identified with the epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR and undergoing treatment, please be so kind and share your information with Aussie.
    Thanks a million.


    Aussie….I believe that non-response to your question is related to the fact that many don’t know the exact name of the drug.

    For example: IDH1 is reported on in various ways. Keytruda

    Pertuzumab, Docetaxel (Taxotere) Lapatinib (Tykerb), Bevacizumab, Paclitaxel (Abraxane)

    Basically, anyone having experience with molecular inhibitor treatment would be helpful in offering information to you.

    You may also want to take a look at the “Clinical Trial” section on our site:



    I forgot to say as well Aussie, have you tried doing a search here on the site for the treatments that you mention as that may throw some posts up.

    I found this –

    Decitabine –

    zacitidine –

    Hope some of these are of use to you.



    Hi Aussie,

    Apologies for missing your previous post on this issue. Sometimes posts do get missed with all of the traffic on the boards and hopefully someone will be able to help you with these questions you have. Personally I am not sure of the answers to all 3 of your questions so would not like to take a stab at an answer to any of them. I do hope that someone will be able to help you further with them though.

    I assume though that based on what the Foundation One test results showed that your mums MIL’s onc recommends that she start on Azacitidine or Decitabine? Also, molecular testing for CC is still quite new and not too many patients will have had that done I would say, especially outside of the USA. Hopefully some who have had it done will be able to share some more about their results and experiences of it with you. Sorry that I can’t be more specific with my answers to your questions.

    My best to you and your MIL,



    Hi everyone,

    I posted this under Introductions about a week ago, but didn’t get any responses. I’m re-posting here hoping for some help.

    We live in metropolitan Australia. My mother-in-law is 72 years old and was diagnosed with a 9.9cm solitary intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in January 2015. The tumour originated in the right lobe of the liver, but has pushed into the left lobe and is close to the portal vein (we don’t know if it has invaded the portal vein or not), making operation difficult. Her liver function tests have been slightly elevated, but she has no hepatitis or cirrhosis. Her tumour markers were all normal at diagnosis. CT chest / abdo / pelvis suggested no macroscopic spread outside of the liver. She has no other significant medical conditions.

    My mother-in-law received 3 cycles of gemcitabine plus cisplatin, with minimal response. The tumour stayed the same size. In late May, she had Sir-spheres inserted into her liver, and the PET scan to determine response will be in mid-July.

    Meanwhile, she has had molecular testing results come back from Foundation One. Four genetic changes were identified (FDA-approved therapies in other tumour types are in parentheses):
    – CDK4 amplification – equivocal (Palbociclib)
    – ERBB2 amplification – equivocal (Ado-trastuzumab emtansine; Afatinib; Lapatinib; Pertuzumab; Trastuzumab)
    – IDH1 – R132C (Azacitidine; Decitabine)
    – APC – A2122_C2123insA (none)

    My MIL’s oncologist believes that the ERBB2 and IDH1 genetic changes hold the most potential for targeted therapy.

    Here are my questions:
    (1) I was wondering if anyone on this board also had one or both of these genetic changes with their molecular testing?
    (2) If so, which chemo agent(s) worked best?
    (3) Does a poor response to gemcitabine mean that there is less likely to be a good response to azacitidine or decitabine?

    Thanks in advance!


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