New Update on Mom

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Update on Mom

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    Josh…….you now have the report of a pathologist and a radiologist, but you have not mentioned a multidisciplinary team comprised of: pathologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, oncologist and radiation oncologist,
    Given the rarity of occurrence of this cancer, you may want to gather all medical records and make contact with a cancer center very familiar with this disease.
    Perhaps, and that is what I wish for, the stricture is benign in nature. PSC is known to cause strictures and beading of the bile ducts.
    The attached link may be of help to you in finding a major center close to you:
    I am hoping for others to chime in as well.


    So this is what we know. Mom has PSC.

    Ercp found stricture.

    Brushing showed concern for cancer.

    Clean ct scan. Radiologist stated didn’t see anything that looked like cancer.

    Eus with fine needle biopsy was performed and came back clean.

    Any advice from here??


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