Thoracotomy Surgery to Remove Lung Metastases

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    Hi Matt,

    Sorry to hear what Lisa is going through right now but please know that I am keeping everything crossed for her and for the surgery to be a success as well. Nothing I can really add to this and please if you can keep us updated on how everything goes for Lisa. We are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and Lisa,



    Matt….I recall Ken (Obrienfam5) reporting on his numerous wedge surgeries performed. Perhaps the information can be of help to you. This however was done prior to the current wave of molecular testing for possible, presently available inhibitors.
    Good luck and tons of good wishes are heading your way.


    Dear Matt, I am so sorry for what Lisa has to go through and while I have not heard of this I just want to wish you both the very best outcome. It was good to see you again but next time I am wishing for much better news! My thoughts will be with her and as always please let us know how it goes.


    I wanted to see if anyone has undergone a thoracotomy surgery to remove lung metastases.

    My wife Lisa was diagnosed with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in May of 2013. After 8 months of chemotherapy she was able to have a resection surgery, followed by chemo-radiation due to positive margins and positive lymph nodes. Lisa was cancer free for approximately 13 months until her CT scan in February of this year revealed multiple very small lung nodules. At that time, the medical team was not sure if the nodules were metastatic and we opted for surveillance since the nodules were too small to be biopsied without a major surgery. A scan last month showed new nodules and growth of the existing nodules. There are 11 sub-centimeter nodules in total in both lungs. Lisa’s medical team now believes that the nodules are metastatic, but the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is through a thoracotomy surgery.

    We consulted with Dr. Javle at MD Anderson, who agreed that the nodules are likely to be metastatic. Dr. Javle believes that we need to get a tissue sample to confirm the diagnosis, surgically remove as many nodules as possible, and perform molecular testing in order to determine the best chemotherapy treatment regimen. On Thursday of this week, Lisa will undergo a segmentectomy of the anterior portion of her right upper lung at MD Anderson, to be followed by systemic chemotherapy. Dr. Javle has also enrolled Lisa in an experimental study utilizing patient derived xenografts (mouse models).

    I realize that the lungs are a common site of recurrence; however, my understanding is that most patients who have lung metastases also have metastases elsewhere (i.e. liver, bone, lymph nodes, etc.). Because the primary criteria for pulmonary metastasectomy is the absence of primary or metastatic disease elsewhere, we were told that the thoracotomy surgery to remove lung nodules is pretty rare in the cholangiocarcinoma world. We are grateful that Lisa is able to have this surgery and our heart goes out to all those who are not surgical candidates. I just wanted reach out to this group to see if anyone has any experience with isolated lung metastases or a thoracotomy surgery to remove lung nodules.

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