Systematic review: Preventive and therapeutic applications of metformi

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    Hi Julie,

    Cuppa and a blether…. A cup of tea and a chat! I always find that a cuppa and a blether helps with so much!

    I can so imagine that a 3 month old will keep you very busy and no doubt helps as you say keep your mind off of other things. Babies and kids have a great way of doing that do they not! The smile I would argue is much better than the crying!

    Hopefully you will get all of the answers to your questions from your onc this week and I hope that the answers are good news as well as the results of the scans, lots of good news please! Fingers crossed for you Julie.




    Gavin…thanks for the thoughtful reply. I’ve copied the review mentioned above, as well as a couple other articles from the web regarding the same subject, ie., usage of Metformin in type II diabetic patients as a possible way to stave off CC. I’ll give these to my Mayo onc for his opinion. It may only be that…an opinion, but one of the articles mentions that it has an effect in vivo and in vitro, which is a step further along, if I remember right, than it was when I last discussed it with him. So, maybe he will have more thoughts on it at this point in time.

    As for the anxiety….it continues (as if I ever figured it would just magically disappear). Gavin…..whatever a “cuppa and a blether” is, it sounds like a good way to pass the time.

    If it weren’t for babysitting the 3 month old grandson, I’d have just waaaay too much time on my hands to think about things. At least for most of the daytime hours, I don’t have time to think that much about CC……not with a baby either howling because he just can’t let himself calm down to sleep…..or all those baby smile I got today. Either way….he’s a wonderful distraction.

    In three days, I’ll know my answers.

    Julie T


    Hi Julie,

    “Duh” moments….. I have sooo many of them! Hope you were able to get the piece printed off as that will make things so much easier for you and the onc at your meeting rather than have to explain the piece to him instead. I really should get myself a printer as well I think, not had one since my uni days.

    Yes I think this is def worth bringing to his attention as who knows what he may say or recommend etc. And thanks in advance for letting us know his thoughts on this piece, that will be of great help to us all.

    Big GRRR to strange feelings in your belly and yes, I can so imagine why your mind starts working overtime and worrying about these. I can still remember vividly the anxiety and everything that went with that with my dad and leading up to his scans. If I was with you right now I’d tell you to put your feet up and I’d make you a cuppa and we could have a blether! And yes Julie, you will get through this too and as always, you know we are here for you as well.

    Big hug for you,



    Well Gavin, I’m glad you mentioned printing out the review on Metformin. I did not even think of doing that….though it’s kind of a “duh”…why not? I will go back to my printer as soon as I have posted here and get the copy of the review in my Mayo packet.

    Of course, I will post again when I get back and let you know what he says. I “suspect” he is going to say that the “horse is already out of the barn”, but it’s worth bringing to his attention again. I did speak to him about Metformin usage for people who have diabetes as a possible preventative against cholangiocarcinoma, but at that time, I think info was preliminary….nothing to really hang your hat on. This review sounds a little more serious.

    Thank you for your good wishes for the test results. I’m having some major problems with anxiety before these scans….even more so than other times. Have had a few vague strange feelings in my belly and of course, my mind goes into hyperdrive, imagining what it might be. Have had a few breakdowns with tears….just really hate going to these scans and each time having the build up prior to them. Sigh…but that’s the way it is and will be. People have and are going through worse. I will get through and past this too.

    Julie T


    Hi Julie,

    As far as Metformin and your type ll diabetes goes and with regards to the questions you ask I am not sure really so would not like to say either way. I think I am reading this study the same way that you are and have read it a few times now but can not say for sure. Are you going to print out this piece and take with you on Friday when you meet with your Onc at Mayo? Think that is what I would do if it was me. Keeping my fingers crossed for the test results and I would be very interested to hear what your onc says with regards to your questions as well if that is okay with you?




    Gavin, After reading the study, I understand it to mean that once CC has been identified, then Metformin does not have any effect on suppressing CC (no studies to indicate anyway).

    However, I’m wondering about the circumstance of someone who has had a resection, adjuvant chemo and no evidence of disease. Is the published review to mean that Metformin would have no effect on supressing CC from that point on? OR, does the review mean that once there is CC, that is not resectable, then Metformin would do no good, but if a patient is cleared (as much as can be determined) of CC, then Metformin could be prescribed as a possible preventative?

    I’m particularly interested because I’m a type II diabetic (on insulin), and currently one year, 4 months post surgery resection, and 11 months post adjuvant Gem/Cis chemo and currently no evidence of disease (scans coming up this next Thursday/Friday at Mayo). I will be meeting with my Mayo oncologist on Friday the 10th and would like to discuss this with him.

    Julie T.


    Systematic review: Preventive and therapeutic applications of metformin in liver disease.

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