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    Thanks to all of you for sending such kind expressions of love and concern.


    Anne,…..My love and prayers to you both. I was very saddened to hear about the turn of events for your husband. Devastated is certainly the word I would use…but it doesn’t seem enough to describe how you’re feeling right now. The nature of this beast is that when it decides to move, it seems to do so very fast and no one is ever ready as we are geared up to fight it. My heart is breaking for you two and hope that you both find ways to enjoy each other and find comfort in each other’s arms.

    Julie T.


    Ha, Ha, just saw that. Funny how we both basically said the same thing. Wisconites think the same!


    Lainy, Thanks for being on top of this. I saw your post after I submitted mine. :)


    Hi Anne,

    I am so very sorry to hear this. I’m sure Lainy will be here shortly as she has a list of what to expect and look for and will gladly send it on to you.

    Do you have some sort of hospice care that can come in to help? They too can give you much information and support. At this point, keeping him comfortable and pain free is the most important.

    Thinking of you both and sending love and prayers.



    Dear Anne, no words can tell you how sorry I am for you both except to say you are not alone. A lot of us sadly had been there and we are here for you.
    First of all I want to say that I have a list called 10 Signs the end is Near. My Teddy was in home Hospice for 3 months and he really followed the list pretty closely. Yes, we are all different but I believe the more we know, the more we talk about it the whole process is not as scary as what we wonder about. If you email me by clicking on my name to the left, I can send you the list. The bottom line is comfort. Teddy and I talked a lot about it openly with each other and somehow it took the fright away. We had Home Hospice and each time a new Nurse would visit T would start by telling her that we were on our honeymoon. It was the worst of times but in a way we made it the BEST of times! We are all here for you. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    Well, I don’t know what to say…if there is a word more fierce than Devastated, that is what my husband and I are. Bad, Bad news…He is home with me now where he wishes to be until his final days. The chemo treatments did nothing to help; the blood clots in his lungs are causing him to have those breathing problems that he is having and the cancer in the pancreas is after increasing rather than decreasing.
    If any of you can help to direct me to some good information as to what I can expect…I know every person is different….the phases that our dear ones go through, I would appreciate it so very much.
    I am so afraid of what is to come, but I have to keep him home with me where he will be more comfortable.



    First things, first: The lung blood clots are being addressed with the Lovonox. Lovonox is a low molecular weight heparin, which is used to thin the blood for deep vein clots (thrombosis). It is given as shots subcutaneously. I doubt that they will change from the Lovonox as it is the preferred anticoagulant for blood clots for people with cancer from what I can gather.

    The Lovonox is not a chemo or treatment of the cancer itself. I suspect you know this, but the way your post was worded, I wanted to clear that up.

    The cancer: I can’t remember if you mentioned which chemo your husband was taking first.. Is it gemcitibine and cisplatin combo?

    I don’t know for sure what your oncologist will want to do next, but if you are not comfortable with things…or he just throws up his hands…or drags his feet, I would highly suggest getting another opinion…or two…or three…from someone at a cancer center that is very knowledgable about bile duct cancer. Some of the really big time CC oncologists will review your husband’s scans, etc without him going there and others will require him to be there in person. Maybe some of the other people on the boards will suggest a few. I see you are in Canada, but not where.

    Also, while I don’t have any personal experience with this, I wonder DNA testing has been done of one of the tumors to see if there is any targeted treatement or trials that your husband may qualify for. If he is otherwise in good health, that is on his side for the latter option.

    As for your world shattering…..I truly do get that….as I’ve been there as has everyone else here.

    But, right now, your world hasn’t ended….but you’ve been given another fork in the road. It doesn’t mean that new route is a bad one….it may be that the first road , which is “usually” the most logical, just wasn’t the best for your husband. This has happened to many others here on the boards and some of those have gone on to remission or even surgery or stable/chronic disease.

    Prayers….you will find many of them given freely here….if you ask for them or not. Many time, I quietly say my own prayer for someone after reading a post. I suspect there are many here who do.

    For now….hold each other tight…..cry if you must…..and when you are able ……praise God for all you have been given and ask for strength to walk through this together.

    Many years ago, one of my grades school teachers wrote this in my autograph book and it was pretty good advice:

    “When the troubles of life seem too many,
    And you don’t know just where to begin.
    Throw back your shoulders and swallow that sob,
    And face the old world with a grin.”

    I must go for now. but will be checking back on you.

    Julie T.


    Dear Jezelle. welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. I am sure your post got lost on this Discussion Site and wonder if you can repost under INTRODUCTIONS. I am sorry about your Mother and I do believe you are our first member from San Juan. I would suggest you talk to her Doctor and ask what Hospital he would send her to, one who has experience in the treatment of CC. Can you tell us anymore about her diagnosis. Were you told what Stage she is and what kind of CC she has and what does the Doctor recommend as treatment. We are a curious bunch here and would like to know more if you can. I know if you repost others will come forward with advice. You have come to the right place as we truly care.
    Here is a site you may also find helpful


    Hi Julie (Iowagirl)…this has been the worst day of all of the ones we have had since late April. the result from the scan showed blood clots in both of my dear one’s lungs, the chemo treatment that he is receiving has not worked and the cancer has not decreased but increased. Our worlds are shattered…Spent a lot of the day crying and trying to come to grips with all of this. How in God’s name could this happen so suddenly????
    He is on Lovenox 200ml a day now and I really don’t know if this will change or if another type of chemo will be given.

    Thanks so much for replying, I appreciate every word that is written to me but please keep him in your prayers.


    Two weeks ago my mother was diagnosed with this type of cancer. She is 58 yrs old. And for the past 6 month the only sign or symptom that she was experience was pain in the right abdominal area.  I have lots of questions. One of them is where I can find a good cancer center to treat her.


    Spedo…one more thing…..the swelling gradually went down in both legs, though the leg with the blood clot has remained larger and probably won’t change anymore. I wear compression hose also just as a precaution and to help keep the swelling from reappearing, but I had problems with that to begin with since I’ve worked on my feet for 30+ years. I also try to be “horizontal” ….in bed for a reasonable number of hours at night. It was recommended that if I sit, it is with my feet up, but since we babysit a 4 month old, that doesn’t happen often.



    It seems I missed responding to one of your posts… you had asked what was done for my leg swelling and shortness of breath. Actually, nothing was done by the oncologist I had at the time….he didn’t even come to my chairside to see what was wrong. He ordered lasix which did nothing for the swelling…..and they sent me home after that first chemo treatment. So, I figured that everybody felt that way during chemo….and I just needed to suck it up. I walked around for a week….trying to gather enough energy and breath to do things, but I could barely walk out to the car from the house without gasping for air. The more I thought about the whole way I was treated by the onc, I got madder and madder…and made an appointment (for Monday) to see my GP to arrange to get a different onc. It was at 8 a.m. on Monday…and she listened to my story for about 5 min….and stopped me….sent me straight to the hospital…as she was sure I had a blood clot. So yes, I walked around for a week with a life threatening clot in my leg that had sprayed my lungs. I just got very lucky that nothing worse happened.

    I commend you for being pushy….in a very GOOD way….and demanding (asking nicely, but firmly) that your husband be hospitalized to figure out what was wrong. You may have saved his life. Obviously, the onc wasn’t being very helpful. He needs to explain this more.

    Was your husband on the leviquin before getting the blood clot….or did they start the leviquin once they found the clot?

    Must go to bed…..will check back tomorrow. Prayers again being sent your way. Deep breaths… will get through this….just know you are doing a fantastic job of being an advocate for your husband. Sometimes the medical community doesn’t make it easy.

    Julie T.


    Anne….I know the blood clots are scarey……as you know, I also went through that….but your husband is getting the care he needs for them now and that is good. The standard now is to be in the hospital for a week…during which time, they will give him shots of heparin…while trying to get the Warfarin (Coumadin) up to therapeutic level. The level may go up and down before it stabilizes where they want it for a specific length of time. He will have a lot of blood draws during this time to keep checking on that level if the Dr. chooses the Warfarin/Coumadin drug. There is also a blood thinner that you give yourself daily as a shot….which later both my oncologists told me they would have preferred.

    I only had one clot in one leg….but part of it broke loose and sprayed most of both of my lungs. Since it was smaller pieces, it didn’t cause an immediate blockage in the lungs. Hopefully, that is what is going on with y our husband also. Several months later…my doctor was listening to my lungs and said that if she hadn’t known, she would not be able to tell that it had happened to me. I stayed on my blood thinner therapy for over a year….and just recently quit taking it. Since I have had clean scans this long, one of the main causes for the blood clot (the CC cancer) is not a factor anymore (and hopefully never again).

    Cancer, itself, imakes you susceptible to blood clots, and my Mayo oncologist told me that CC was second only to pancreatic cancer in causing blood clots. In fact, for some gastro-intestinal system cancers, an unprovoked blood clot can be the first sign that a cancer in that system may be brewing. Then, , the chemo also increases your odds of getting a clot.

    I was worried at the time that I would not be able to get the adjuvant chemo, but it did not affect that in the slightest. We took the week off that I was in the hospital getting the blood thinner going…..and then we started back in with the chemo. It worked out just fine.

    Your hubby is in a serious situation…..and believe me, I understand the fear you may be feeling right now…but he IS in the right place and getting the help and treatment he needs. Hang in there …..our prayers are with you both…..for healing for your husband and for strength for you.

    Hugs, Julie T.


    I’m glad they found the cause. Prayers and best wishes are with you.
    Take care of yourself too,

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