Dad can have PIPAC!!

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    Awesome news!!! Thanks for the update! Keep us updated on your dad’s progress. Hugs and prayers to you and your dad.


    Excellent news Katia, thanks for sharing that with us!! YESSSSS indeed, well chuffed for you and your dad! Please keep us updated on things as well if you can.

    My best to you and your dad,



    OH, KATIA! YIPPEE! HOORAY! I just woke up and you made my day! CONGRATULATIONS best news ever. Thank you for sharing as it is not only good news for you it gives everyone the Miracle of HOPE! Please keep us updated on Dada.



    A very brief update as I am at the airport and it is all crazy. But crazy good!!

    Dada has had 2 PIPAC pulverization in his abdomen for the peritoneal metastasis.
    Today the professor has confirmed|THEY ARE NECROTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!

    Ok. Gotta catch my flight. But this is huge hope for those with PC!!!



    This sounds very interesting, looking forward to hearing of you dad’s progress and how this all works. Way to advocate for you father! I love hearing these kind of stories! Please keep us updated and sending good thoughts and prayers!




    This is very exciting! We all wish you and Dad the best and are hoping for wonderful results. It sounds like you have a great GP too.

    Take care,


    AWESOME, EXCITING, INSPIRING! Katia I can say one thing to you….I sure would have you in my corner fighting for me!!! You are AMAZING! I cannot wait to hear the good news when this works!!!!


    Hi Katia,

    This is great news, crazy as you say but in a very good way!! And as Debbie has said to you, well done you on not giving up and searching and looking for treatment options for your dad. Will keep my fingers crossed for this treatment for your dad and please let us know how all of it goes.

    My best to you and your dad,




    Awesome news. Kudos to you for stopping at nothing to find the best treatment for your dad! Your attitude is inspiring. Please keep us posted on your dad’s response to this new treatment.




    What exciting news. Will be looking forward to hearing how things are progressing and how dad is doing. Wishing your dad the best with this.

    With hope & love,


    Right, here is the thing:

    I don’t know where to start!

    So many things have happened in a few days, it’s just completely crazy. But in a good way.

    Summing up the situation quickly:

    The day we learnt that Dad ( stage 4 cc) had peritoneal metastases was to say the least not a good day.

    By nature, I am a curious person and I love learning. But when I found myself in bed that night, the last words I wanted to google were ” metastases on the peritoneum”.

    I almost did not want to do that, because really, what good can come of that?

    But for some reason, I decided against not knowing more and typed away.

    I typed in English and read. Well, this was not good news.
    Peritoneal mets: they are extremely hard to treat, bleak prognosis, etc

    Then I thought ” hey, let’s see what pops up if I type those words in French?”

    And that is when the magic happened!

    The first article I read, whoch had only been written 10 days ago, was about a revolutionary way to treat peritoneal mets.
    It is non invasive, uses 10% of the chemotherapy products normally used by I.V. It is called PIPAC and seemed to show rather amazing results. But the article only mentioned its use on women whose ovarian cancer had spread to the peritoneum. But it said that they were looking at using it in other instances…

    I was really REALLY excited. Could not go back to sleep. OK, dad has not got ovarian cancer ( that would be rather surprising) but his cancer also comes from somewhere in the abdomen, so maybe he could get it??

    Anyway, Next morning: I show the article to my parents. We then show it to our G.P ( I was afraid he was going to say that this is maybe not a good idea). Our GP says: we have to go for this!
    Right, I ring the German clinic in Bochum and explain the situation. They say they need to see dad’s medical report and a recent scan. We send everything over to Germany as soon as dad comes out of the hospital ( as in the meantime he had been admitted to the emergency with ascending cholangitis. His life was saved at the UZ Leuven. We can never praise them enough.)

    And so today… Today we hear about the German team. They have reviewed my dad’s case and they will take him on!! And we are just so elated!!!

    They have already treated 11 cases of cholangiocarcinoma. My dad is number 12, I have decided this is the magic number.
    And also there is something rather coincidental about the name of the German clinical group. It is called elisabethgruppe.
    My dad’s mum was called Elisabeth. What a beautiful coincidence!

    And so dad will have the PIPAC very soon. The pulverization happens every 6 weeks and he will have 3 of them. After that, they will review the situation.

    I will keep you posted. I hope this info will come handy to some people.

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