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    Believing to be cancer-free and then being told otherwise certainly, is nothing to be embarrassed about. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incidence; it is more frequent then not especially, with CC. Hopefully, other treatments will show some positive results as it has for many others.
    Sending tons of good wishes


    Don’t feel embarrased!!! The exact same thing happened to us. We just so want a cure BUT a remission is almost as good.
    I hope he has a long remission but don’t stop learning about this cancer. YOU have to be proactive. Always try to stay one step ahead of the Drs.
    Check all treatments out there. Question the Dr. on those treatments, ask what he thinks your husband needs. If you’re not sure about something, Google it. I’ve learned more on Google than from any Dr.
    All my prayers and hopes for you both.
    God heal us all,


    YEP! You all rock! How stinkin’ embarassing!!!! We feel like complete DORKS!!! That little booger is still there!!! You got it!! Too tiny slash positioned oddly to see it…I guess we were just hopin’, wishin, and praying that it was gone…kinda like a little kid at Christmas who really, really ,really wants something…please forgive us for our ignorance…afterall…we didn’t sign up for this or want to get on the ride…but here we are blunders and all! Thanks sooooooo much for all of the kind words, wisdom, knowledge and prayers…you all are a God send!!

    Love, Heather


    bile duct cancer can not really be seen on a PET too well, they found mine when they opened me up to do surgery-otherwise it would have gone un notied- i am not trying to rain on your parade- on the contrary-i want everyone CURED! You r hsubands name at this moment is NED, (No Evidence of Disease) There is a big win right there! The fact the PET didn’t find anything elsewhere means there is no cancer elsewhere! YAY YAY- but it dones’t cover the bile duct. Andkeep getting bili checked every month to monitor for change. I pray he really is cured. I know prayer is a strong medicine. Sending one your way.


    I want to be happy for you and pray that it is true but my husband John had the same type of miracle. One day they just couldn’t find anything, not in his scans and not in his blood tests. He was in Hospice at that time.
    The nurses gently tried to tell us that sometimes this cancer shows a remission for awhile. We didn’t want to believe it, we just knew John had been cured.
    Six months later it came back with a vengence. It’s so hard to write this but I believe in being aware of everything that can happen.

    I so want to celebrate a cure but unless he was misdiagnosed, it isn’t gone.
    When John and I found out it was back, it was worse than the day we were told he had cancer.

    I almost lost my faith in God. John just cried and cried. I will pray he has a long remission and that you aren’t disappointed in the future.

    Hopefully he will get his transplant before it returns.

    With love, hope and prayers for you and your family,



    Heather … great to hear no cancer. Best wishes on the transplant.
    Jeff G. Heather not to sound doubtful. Can you tell us who initially diagnosed Lee with CC and how it was determined? Were specialist involved with the change of Diagnosis? I would still be cautious. Did you get your second opinion from Mayo in Rochester. I’m just posing these questions in concern that someone hasn’t dropped the ball on you guys again.

    God Bless
    Jeff G.


    Great news Heather. Good luck on the transplant.



    Thank you for sharing this wonderful news.
    Congratulations and all the good luck in the world for the upcoming liver transplant.


    My husband just got the results of his pet scan. The cancer is Gone!!!! The only treatment he has undergone is prayer and everyone is claiming a miracle. The cancer is nowhere on the scan, praise GOD! We still have to undergo a liver transplant, since his liver is bad. However we haven’t had a liver scan since the cancer is gone.

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