From Caracas, Venezuela

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! From Caracas, Venezuela

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  • #89342

    Hi Alejandro,

    Sounds like you are making some excellent progress there with everything, great stuff! Hoping that this continues for you and of course for the best possible results from your chemo. Loving your attitude to everything as well!

    My best to you,




    Welcome and what an awesome story! I love your attitude! I always say attitude is half the battle. Keep up the good work, stay in touch and keep us posted of your progress!


    Alejandro……seven weeks out from surgery is not too long of a time, but you sound wonderful. A little hike and light exercise (you are the best judge of what constitutes too much movement) coupled with a hopeful disposition sounds like the perfect recipe for success.


    Hola, Alejandro and a big YIPPEE on your surgery, surgery is our favorite word. Your attitude will get you everywhere and you are present so much hope for others! Keep up the good work. Thanks for the picture, usted es muy guapo! It is always nice to put a face to our members. Thank you so much for this great update and please let us know how your next scan goes. Nerves always get a little crazy before a scan and we call it scanziety. Keep on keeping on!


    G’day !
    So here I am ! Seven weeks after a laparotomy that took 45% of my liver. With no macroscopic disease present I started on gemzar and cisplatin last Monday. In for another session this coming Monday. Side effects have not been that bad, slept for a whole day on Wednesday and have been feeling pretty hungry. My skins is still numb from the laparotomy but today I went for a hike and actually did some excercise. I truly believe doing activities outdoor help. I’m going to get 5 more rounds of chemo before having a new ct pet. The it will be the question mark ! Keep living my life and have “recurrence” in the back of my head. I intend to go traveling as soon as i am able too ! And got a few projects to keep my mind busy.


    Hi Alejandro,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through, but real glad that you have joined in with us here as you are so in the best place for help and support and will get loads of all of that from everyone here. And my thanks to you as well for sharing your story with us all.

    What a great attitude you have! Straight from diagnosis you decided to fight back and fight back hard and that sort of attitude will carry you very far with all of this. You sure have been through so much with all of this and that is great to hear that you were able to have surgery and that it was such a success also. I do of course wish you a very speedy recovery from the surgery and hope as well that the chemo works very well also.

    Do keep coming back here and please know that we are here for you. I look forward to hearing much more from you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Welcome to our group and thank you for sharing. It seems we’ve been hearing if many who are being diagnosed very young. I am happy that they were able to operate and look forward to hearing great progress reports in the future.

    Best wishes,


    Alejandero…..that’s an incredible story….one not heard often enough. I’m just thrilled for you that the chemo your doctors chose woked for you spectacularly well and the surgery was scheduled and sounds like a success Please post back with more of your experiences and progress toward good health.

    Julie T.


    Hola, Alejandero and CONGRATULATIONS on a successful surgery which is what everyone strives for. You are so right about attitude, attitude is everything! And I always throw in a little humor. I do believe you are the first member from Caracas. I did pass through once on a Cruise and it is a beautiful city. The only thing that freaked me was a town square loaded with pigeons and I am deathly scared of birds! We also went by tour bus up some mountains to a glass studio where I got some lovely pieces of glass. Back to you and your great news.
    You were so lucky to get a Surgeon that everyone would want, the Scan showed nothing but he persevered! And now you are on your way to a better and longer life! This is the best place to be for CC support and our Members are simply awesome! Please keep in touch and let us know how you progress! We truly care.


    Hola !
    I was diagnosed with bilobar intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma on march 2015.
    I am 38, male, and in relative good level of fitness. The diagnosis came as a surprise, but … I got in to it head on. Got a catheter port installed on my chest and started chemo ( FOLFIRINOX ) the third week after. Chemo was hard, every two weeks for three days I was connected receiving drugs into my system. At the same time I started dieting, eating turmeric and guanabana a heaps ! At the beginning I was on 9000 in my alpha fetoprotein levels which acted like a marker for my tumors ( 4 of them, 3 on the left side and a big one the right). After three chemos Alpha Feto protein went down to 700, big news ! after 6 chemos it went down to 2. Normal levels should be between 1 and 8. So this was good ! Went and had a CT Pet and nothing was picked up. So they decided to open up and see what was going on with a laparoscopy. If they found nothing they would remove with a laparatomy right after the laparoscopy any remaining tumors. And they did ! now I am recovering from having 45% of my liver removed, three weeks so far, next week I am getting the alpha feto protein measured again and they are going to hit me with at least 4 more sessions of chemo. Anyways … I wanted to tell my story and say Hi ! This disease can be fought, especially with the right attitude and support ! You can count me in for anything !

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