There is hope

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    Hi Jesse,

    I had several different oncologists– at UK first Dr. Hanna (he left soon after to go to the University of Maryland) then Dr. Kee (who also isn’t there any more.) I stopped seeing Dr. Kee because we really didn’t see eye to eye about things– he was always extremely pessimistic and talking about the worst possible outcomes, and I am much more “the glass is half-full” type.

    I switched to Dr. Monty Metcalfe at Bluegrass Hematology Oncology in Lexington and I really, really like him. He’s a good listener and very encouraging. Also I am SO glad I don’t have to sit in that gigantic waiting room at Markey for hours and hours… that always felt like a train station.

    The daffodils are up in my yard– hope you’re enjoying a lovely spring too!



    Hi Kristin,I live near Shelbyville, ky. We use to come to Berea to the Bishop homecomming every year. I just wondered who your oncologist was. Mine is Dr. Chambers. Also how did switching work out better? God Bless and have a great day. Jesse


    Hi Jesse,

    You must be practically my “neighbor”– I’m south of Lexington in Berea! I was treated for cholangiocarcinoma at Markey for 5 years until I switched to a different oncologist.

    I’m so glad spring is on its way here. This lovely weather is enough to make anyone feel more hopeful!

    The best of luck to you–



    Jesse, if you have one tumor and it has shrunk you may be a candidate for Cyber Knife. We were very lucky as they got all of Teddy’s cancer with the Whipple. Then it popped up 1 1/2 years ago. Zapped that. Popped up again in September and we will see what the PET from Tuesday shows… next Tuesday.
    Much good luck on the MRI.


    Hi Lainy, I am From Ky near Lexington. I have been going to the Markey Cancer center in Lexington. To give you a little update when i had the whipple they could not get all the cancer. So they did not do the complete whipple. I did chemo after the surgery and the cancer was gone. That was in 2007. In Dec of 2009 the cancer was back. I have had radiation and chemo and the tumor is smaller. So now we are in wait and see mode. I will have a mri in May. Jesse


    Hello Jesse. My husband Teddy had a Whipple 4 1/2 years ago. I should say a double Whipple as the first was aborted after 4 hours. He is doing OK. Last year the CC returned where his duodenum used to be and they did Cyber Knife. And it was zapped. Cyber Knife is a Miracle. He never had chemo. He did have radiation before the Cyber to shrink the tumor as it has to be under 7 CM. He now has 2 small tumors that WERE shrinking, we don’t know why. But gets his results March 23rd from a PET he just had. As far as the stomach he will always have some swelling and another thing is with a Whipple you can eventually get small hernias that you just live with. He has a good life at 77 and so far beating the odds. He has a lot of faith and attitude. Where are you from? Have you had a 2nd Opinion? Please keep us updated.


    Hi everyone, Its been awhile. I just wanted to update you. My cancer returned in Nov. Ihave gone thru radiation and chemo pills(xeloda). The tumor is smaller but is still there. I am just in a wait and see mode right now. I go back for another mri in May. I trust im my Lord and I know his will will be done. God Bless you all and just hang on. Jesse


    Hi Jesse

    Hope all is well with you. My husband died from this three months after diagnosis. (died 15th February 08) Some of the treatments mentioned weren’t offered to him as his condition was so far gone on diagnosis.
    All the best!



    Thanks for sharing Jesse. Hope is always in short supply but it is such a tonic and we all feel better when we hear good news. Hope it continues.



    I wanted to share with all that are going through cholangiocinoma. I was diagnose in dec. 2006. I had whipple surgery in jan 2007. But they could not remove the cancer. I stared chemo in March 2007. I took xeloda,2000mg a day. I also had gemibine iv. I had my first C-scan In sept. 2007 and it show no sign of cancer. I had another C-scan on March 18th and I am still clear. I am having some problem from the surgery, soreness,numness and swelling. I wonder if other people have these problems. If you are going through this cancer,put your trust in the LORD,he will see you through.

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