diagnosed jan 08

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! diagnosed jan 08

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  • #19712

    Well John,
    You sure do have a good attitude. Good luck on the transplant. I was on, then off, then on, then off again…I have several doctors on the go and they just cant agree or make up their minds! Sorry you had to come here, but it is a great place. There are several people here waiting for transplants so you all can be a great resource for each other. Take care.



    hello fellow cc. fighters and caregivers. May you all have strength and the will to fight and beat this disease. I have uc. psc. and cc. and just finished radiation and chemo at Mayo in MN. Things are stable now. am on the transplant list which they think is the only manageable option for best long term results. I had all the sypmtons in Oct 07. and the DNA test that mayo does found the cc on Jan 11. 08 Radiation is the primary treatment at mayo along with chemo for 3 weeks. and stint replacements in the bile ducts, every 6-8 weeks, to manage bile flow.I feel they found mine early my tumor is only 4cm in the right bilary duct. and im eligible for living or deceased donor. thats my status for now I have faith in my doctors and the almighty above to guide them . and to give me a positive outlook at the end of the tunnel. God Bless YOU ALL. John

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