Serum immunofixation blood test

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    I guess that bloodtest is used to look for a different kind of cancer….a type of bone marrow cancer that causes pain and weakness in the legs….similar to neuropathy. A nurse hospice friend of mine says, it would not have caught the bile duct CA any sooner.


    Annie…..makes perfect sense, but I would like to know the efficacy of this test for detection of Cholangiocarcinoma. Wonder whether they can provide some insight?
    Annie, like you we wonder why our loved one’s cancer had not been detected at an earlier stage, but that is unlikely to happen at this time. Once the cancer presents with symptoms such as pain (in your Dad’s case) the cancer is at an advanced stage.



    Curious in the test, in that it was ordered by a neurologist for idiopathic burning leg pain, earlier this year in Feb. We were turned off by this particular doctor, so we went to pain management instead; where MRI of low back was ordered (unremarkable). Never did do the blood test, so curious if that one would have uncovered CC earlier in the year (thus, earlier stage, more treatment options, etc.) . It just bothers me so that this cancer was detected so late in the game. Dad was already so weak by the time it was revealed via CT/MRI. He only got one gem infusion in September…after that, bloodclots, severe ascites, vomiting bile, shutdown of digestive tract, etc.
    I am told this serum immunofixation blood test specifically helps reveal Multiple Myeloma, but I read it can help pick up other cancers.


    Annie….as far as know, this test is used predominantly in multiple myeloma, but I don’t recall anyone using it for the detection of cancer in general. What is your reason for interest in this test?


    Has anyone ever had this blood test, which abnormal finding steered toward more testing for malignancy in the body?

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