foodborne disease outbreaks

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    Oh I am sure it is banned. In the news today………….
    Very interesting about a tape worm causing the first case of a man giving it to the parasite and the man I believe had CC. Lives in Columbia.


    Saw on CNBC this week that a certain chain of fast food restuarants in the US has had to shut quite a few stores due to possible e-coli outbreak affecting some of it’s customers. They said that this infection outbreak was due to the new trend in the US of restaurant/fast food wanting to serve more organic fresh produce etc and the food chain needed to provide these items.

    Chains that have went down the fresh organic route seem to have been doing better financially but I wonder if this is just a new trend/fad? I won’t mention the chain on here but I guess it has been all over the news over on your side of the pond.

    I get all my food meat local, my butcher, fishmonger, grocer etc and even get my eggs and butter from my fishmonger. My prunes however have to come from California, and they taste real good. Far superior to the ones from Chile!

    5 million people in Scotland and about a quarter of a billion in America though so guess it is easier for us over here to grow more of our own perhaps and control the food chain? Maybe I should go into the export business but our national dish is banned in America I think!


    WHOA! How interesting, Marion. I don’t eat eggs or tuna but love my chicken. Pretty soon, the way we are headed, we will have to invent some other foods or ways to stop this. Wait I have an idea…..only eat homegrown, what a novel thought!


    I read an interesting report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on multistate outbreaks with Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria due to contamination of the widely distributed vegetables, beef, chicken and fresh fruits.

    “Salmonella accounted for the most illnesses and hospitalizations and was the cause of the three largest outbreaks, which were traced to eggs, chicken and raw ground tuna.
    Listeria caused the most deaths, largely due to an outbreak caused by contaminated cantaloupe in 2011 that killed 33 people.
    Imported foods accounted for 18 of the 120 reported outbreaks. Food imported from Mexico was the leading source in these outbreaks, followed by food imported from Turkey.”

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