Diagnostic Accuracy of Serum CA19-9 in Patients with Cholangiocarcinom

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    I want to add my welcome as well and suggest as Lainy mentioned if you could report under introductions, more may see. I’m sorry your father has been diagnosed with CC. It is sometimes very hard to diagnose and often symptoms do not show up until it is very far advanced.

    I searched on “Vet” and found discussion below. I hope something may be helpful.


    Best wishes,


    Dear Theresa, Welcome to our extraordinary Family and sorry you had to find us. I assume Dad is not on Medicare. I would take his tests and just get another opinion. He can go to the VA for treatment and Gem/CIS is the first line of treatment. This is an extremely rare Cancer and very hard to DX. I am wondering if he could just pay for a Consultation then let the VA treat it. I would not be honest if I didn’t add I sure wish he could go elsewhere. If you can possibly go for a consultation perhaps that ONC may have an idea for you on how to proceed financially. I am hoping someone else can maybe have another suggestion. Would you mind reposting this under INTRODUCTIONS as I am afraid it may get lost here. Here is a site that may be of some help to you and please keep us posted on your Dad. Wishing you the very best.



    We are baffled with my father’s diagnosis of Stage 4A CCA as we are dealing with a US Veterans hospital. My father is 68 years old with 40 years of Crohn’s Disease. Our journey started out in June when he spit up a little trace of blood as he was a former smoker he was concerned. His doctor did a chest ultrasound and saw a 3 cm tumor. They did a biopsy and he received a call from his primary that it was not cancer but then a few days later he gets a call from an admin to set up a pet scan and when he asked why they said because you have lung cancer. He was shocked. The petscan showed something in the liver so they performed a liver biopsy and he received a call to tell him it is not cancer. When he goes in for a checkup a week later they tell him they want to do another biopsy with smaller needle and when they go in deeper he gets the news it is cancer. They said lymphnodes next to tumor is involved but they never biopsied it. My father is feeling well no symptoms and liver levels are normal. They told him that surgery is not an option as he has cirrhosis and portal hypertension that was never confirmed or properly diagnosed. They have no experience with this cancer in the VA hospital but this is the only insurance he has. The treatment goal is pallative and they staged him at 4A and to start chemo cis/gemcitabin. We want to go to a better hospital that deals with this but it is not an option right now. His Bilirubin has been at 0.6. They took CA19-9 the first day prior to chemo and it was 16u and CEA was 0.08. His ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE is normal at 109 so I am baffled as to how he has stage 4 A intrahepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma? They only went by the Pet scan and needle biopsy that is it.
    Is this common?


    Diagnostic Accuracy of Serum CA19-9 in Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


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