Advice Needed: Drs Recommend Whipple But Are Unsure If I Have CC

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Advice Needed: Drs Recommend Whipple But Are Unsure If I Have CC

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    I too have had many experiences since my husband passed. Many involving lights and electrical things along with a few others. Since he was an electronic technician it makes sense to me that would be the way he would try to connect. I do think you have to be open and sensitive to the things that are going on around us or a lot is easily missed or explained away. In my case yes, I believe. :) Right or wrong, like Lainy, it gives me comfort. Children, in their innocence and with out preconceived notions are much more open and sensitive to these things.

    Take Care,


    Victor, children see and hear these things because they don’t know NOT to believe. They are open to it. We have some members on here that have toddlers and after a Grandparent has passed they see them. I live in an apartment and in the bedroom ceiling is a fire alarm. It is run on a battery not electricity which a lot of spirits like to come through. From the time I had another surgery April 28th until the end of August Teddy came through the light almost nightly between midnight and 3AM. My bedroom is really dark and when he would come half that wall and my dresser would light up. If I left the room it would go dark again. Then he didn’t come around for about 2 months and one night I lay in bed and asked him why he has stopped coming and that I miss him. 2 nights later he came. My son and Teddy’s Sister have both witnessed this. I keep a log and am up to 120 visits in various ways in the 5 years he has been gone. It really brings me great comfort. But children have the ability to see beyond.


    Thanks Darla and Catherine. I think I’m in really good hands (literally). I’ll post more updates as things progress.

    Congrats on 6 years Lainy! Sometimes I’m not sure what to believe with the ‘beyond’. My 5 year old daughter told me she say Tytus, who was my Rottweiler for 13 years, but passed before she was born and she described him to a tee. The same psychic lady at my cousin’s house told my wife that my nana and I had such a strong and special bond that she waited for me and decided to be reincarnated into my daughter, whose middle name is my nana’s name. Now I can’t ever scold her!


    WOW. Victor! You really hit a chord with me. My family on here all know that I am a BIG believer in the Beyond and I also believe in “true” Psychics. My Daughter told me, 3 years after my Cancer (GIST tumor ) surgery that her friend who is a Psychic, told her I was going to have this surgery, that it was Cancer but I was going to be OK. Then after my Teddy “relocated” I went to her to see if Teddy would come through and he sure did. She told me things that NO one knew except me. I find that in believing in the Beyond it just lifts all the sorrow away as it brings so much comfort and I know he is around me all the time. We have many believers on our site. BTW, It was not CC but another very rare cancer and I just completed 6 years Cancer free.



    I have been following this and see you have gotten a lot of good advice. Glad you now have a plan of attack. Wishing you lots of luck with the surgery and look forward to hearing positive updates. Love the story of your wife’s experience. I do believe there is something to it all.




    Wonderful to hear that the consult went so well and you have a plan to move forward for the New Year. Feeling comfortable and trusting your doctor is so important.

    Best wishes,


    Lainy, thanks for all your support, advice, and personal experience. You and others have been a great help. My wife just told me a crazy story. When all this started back in August my wife went to my cousins house, and a friend of my cousin was also there. She practices palm reading and stuff like that. I don’t really believe in it, but my wife thinks there’s some truth to it. Anyways, to make a long story short, while I was hospitalized, she told my wife that the issue was much deeper than a gallbladder ad that I would end up at Stanford.


    Victor, if someone is having stomach surgery and the surgeon say OK, it numbs the torso for 24 – 48 hours. Mine lasted for 24 but even that helped as the first 2 days are usually the tough ones. Yes, you will be glad you have the Chloraseptic. You can even talk with a little spray. Teddy used to say, “now we know what’s wrong, lets fix it!” You have a great attitude too. Attitude has so much to do with it. I had a total colectomy last April and I was so ready for it after suffering for 4 years that even at 75 I sailed right through it. I was just upset with myself that I didn’t do it sooner. When one feel ill surgery is usually not as bad as the way we feel from being sick.


    Thanks Lainy. I think I will be fine once everything is said and done, even if I have to fight like hell. The chloraseptic is a great trick. I’m putting it in my notes. My surgery is at 815am and they said they’ll have me up and walking that night. Was the epidural for his stomach cancer pain or pain from surgery?


    Victor, I know you are not going to believe this but it sounds worse than it is. I had Teddy ask for an epidural (I did also for another rare cancer stomach surgery) as it will keep the pain at bay for 24 – 48 hours. You will also have a pain machine that you can use while in bed after surgery. The surgery itself is considered large but not life threatening like heart surgery. The recovery is kind of lengthy as well. They had Teddy sitting up in a chair the next morning. BTW another little trick of mine is when I have had surgery that required a nasal tube I would order a throat spray like Chloraseptic as it can be sprayed even with a tube in place and it numbs the throat. Hope that helps. In a way be glad you can have this surgery as it is the best way to determine what may be hiding or not. Surgery is one of our favorite words. It will all be just fine.


    Thanks for the bit of trivia Lainy! They said the would remove the CBD, pancreas head, ampulary duct, and gallbladder and then see everything up the small intestine. Not looking forward to it, but at the same time I am so I can move on. I’m fortunate to get in with one of the top 2 surgeons in my area for this procedure and area of expertise. He said he does 1-2 whipped a week so well over a hundred in his career.


    Oh Gosh, Victor, I am so glad you got this second opinion!! You have what ever you have exactly where Teddy’s was. It affected his Ampulla Vater and Duodenum. It is true that the Surgeon cannot tell what he will or will not find until he sees the area. With Teddy’s Whipple they removed the Duodenum, ampulla vater, gall bladder and Pancreas head. The ampulla of Vater is the enlargement of the ducts from the liver and pancreas at the point where they enter the small intestine. Ampulla in Latin means flask. An ampulla was a flask used in ancient Rome to hold ointment, perfume, and wine. Thought you would like to know about your ampulla! We will all be cheering you on January 11th! Thank you for keeping us in the loop!


    So a bit of an update. I dropped off my records to UCSF and haven’t heard back yet. I assume they’re pretty busy and people are off for the holidays. I also went to Stanford and met Dr Norton and his staff on Wednesday. I have to say it was a really great visit. Kaiser had sent them an incomplete set of images do I had them redo it and brought the new CDs in just before my visit. They had to review before they saw me. They were really thorough in going through my records and images because they recalled what I had done on certain dates when I couldn’t. Anyways, they said the fact that my CA 19 markers were really low and the FISH test was negative was really a good thing and based on the image of the ‘lesion’, he said if he had to to lean one way he would lean toward not being cancerous, but can’t be sure till he gets it out. He also saw a benign growth in my ampulary duct that was incorrectly labelled as bulbous by Kaiser. He said that although it’s benign now it can become cancerous and it looks more fibrous and not bulbous at all. He doesn’t think that I need a full Whipple, but a modified where I can keep my stomach intact. He also didn’t like the fact that Kaiser didn’t think that my bilirubin hitting 10 and then as high as 15 wasn’t a big deal and that they still insisted it was a gallstone, which they never found. I schedule my surgery for 1/11 and I really think I’m in good hands. If UCSF can meet with me before that then I’ll go in for a consultation, but if not then I’m going to move ahead with Stanford.


    Victor…..fingers are crossed. Once accepted, UCSF will request the records from Kaiser.


    Victor, you have best vibes and everything else you need to get a quick appointment at UCSF! Just pretend we are with you cheering you on the side! I can’t wait to hear.

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